Poisoned deaths with Nowitschok at the hospital


The 44-year-old Briton, in contact with Russian agent Nowitschok, died at Salisbury Hospital. British police investigate the murder.

Samuel Misteli

  The Salisbury County Hospital has already treated four cases of intoxication in Nowitschok. (Image: Jack Taylor / Getty Images)

The Salisbury District Hospital has already treated four cases of poisoning in Nowitschok. (Photo: Jack Taylor / Getty Images)

The 44-year-old Briton, who was admitted to hospital with poisoning in Nowitschok in early July, has died. This was announced by the British police on Sunday night. The authorities are now investigating the murder. Sturgess and his 45-year-old life partner collapsed last Saturday, a few hours apart, and took him to the Salisbury County Hospital in southern England. service. They had already been in contact with an object contaminated by the Russian Nowitschok weapon. Police suspect that it is a remnant of the poison used in early March to attack the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. For example, the object may have been a vial in which the poison was transported.

"Extraneous and barbaric act"

The investigators assume that the couple used the neurotoxic agent originally developed in the Soviet Union. came into contact. Sturgess and her life partner had visited several shops and a park in Salisbury the day before they entered the hospital, and were near where the scripts had been found unconscious. Authorities cordoned off parts of downtown Salisbury after the killing of the Skripers to protect the people from eventual contact with the poison and to decontaminate the area. Police believe that it is possible that Sturgess and her partner have touched something that was forgotten during the March cleanup. The authorities also warned the population of the area after the new incident that they were not affected, such as needles, syringes or unusual containers.

British Prime Minister Theresa May was worried after the death of Dawn Sturgess. to be "shocked and frightened". Neil Basu, the chief of the anti-terrorist police, described the poisoning as "scandalous and barbaric": the police will track down and bring to justice those responsible.

New tensions with Russia

The police still investigate the scenario in case of attempted murder. The British government has accused Russia of attacking the former double agent. The incident triggered a diplomatic crisis and more than two dozen countries expelled Russian diplomats. The Russian government vehemently denies being responsible for the attempted killing. She also rejected the diplomats in response. The Skripals have recovered and live under police protection in a secret location. The current death of a British citizen is expected to revive tensions between Britain and Russia.

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