Polar fitness app revealed data on soldiers and intelligence agents


The Finnish fitness app Polar has disabled its location feature. Previously, sensitive data on soldiers and intelligence workers had appeared on the Internet. Approximately 6000 users were affected.

  Soldiers training in the Afghan capital Kabul. (Image: KEYSTONE / AP / MASSOUD HOSSAINI)

Soldiers training in the Afghan capital Kabul. (Photo: KEYSTONE / AP / MASSOUD HOSSAINI)

"We can find Western military personnel in Afghanistan on the polar side," security expert Foeke Postma said in an article after researching the site Dutch information. Correspondent. With a few clicks, a high ranking officer can be detected in an air force base with nuclear weapons during the morning jog.

About 6,000 polar users, including soldiers from various countries, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the NSA. The data collected included private addresses of US citizens in the Baghdad International Security Zone and Russian Crimean soldiers.

Polar pointed out that only the data had been published by users who had activated the place. [19659007] In January, the Pentagon announced a review of the use of fitness apps by army personnel. Previously, a map of the movement profiles of US soldiers in conflict areas was published by a service of Strava Labs.

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