Popular route: 20,000 migrants reached Spain in 2018 over the sea



Strait of Gibraltar Migrants reach the Spanish beach

| Duration of reading: 2 minutes

  Marakko migrants walk on the beach on their arrival   Marakko migrants walk on the beach after their arrival

Marakko migrants marching inland after being arrived at the beach "Del Canuelo"


The road between North Africa and Spain is the most popular for refugees in Europe this year. In Spain, this route through the Mediterranean in 2018 has so far attracted more than 20,000 people.

751 refugees were arrested while they were traveling from North Africa to the Spanish coast. According to the Spanish Maritime Rescue Service, 709 of them had driven in 48 boats across the Strait of Gibraltar, the shortest route between North Africa and Spain. Eleven were found more in the east. Three boats with a total of 31 people on board would have approached the Spanish coast of Alicante

The route between North Africa and Spain has been until now the most popular for refugees in Europe this year. People fleeing violence or poverty attempt the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean, alone or with the help of smugglers. A deployment in Libya made it more difficult to come to Italy. In Spain, more than 20,000 people arrived over the sea in 2018.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 1,500 people have drowned or disappeared in the Mediterranean. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 1,111 people died on the route from the central Mediterranean to Italy and Malta, 304 en route to Spain, 89 in the waters to broad of Greece and Cyprus 89. 2018 According to the United Nations, one of the most deadly years since records began

  Arrival of migrants and refugees rescued by Salvamento Maritimo and brought to Port of Tarifa, Spain

Total 55,000 people – half over the previous year and a little over one-fifth of those of 2016 – arrived by sea as part of the sea. illegal immigrants since the beginning of the year. Of these, about 21,000 were registered in Spain, 18,130 in Italy and about 240 in Malta. Greek ports received 15,530 migrants, Cyprus just under 110.

The Central Mediterranean route remains by far the most deadly route of passage: 10,000 rescuers have 605 drownings. In contrast, the western route to Spain recorded 145 deaths out of 10,000 rescued; the migrants from Morocco just off the Spanish coast “/>

The migrants from Morocco just off the Spanish coast


  The migrants reach the beach "Del Canuelo" In the south of 39 Spain

migrants reach the beach "Del Canuelo" in the south of Spain with their boat


  In the last meters they leave their boat ...

. ..


  ... and walk up to the beach

… and walk up to the beach


  Visitors watch the migrants on the beaches

The visitors of the beach observe the migrant who crosses them


  In Barbate, they are first collected in a room

In Barbate, they are first collected in a room


  ter resting with his son on a red blanket

A mother e resting with his son on a red blanket


  A blue balloon becomes a hobby, ...

A blue The balloon becomes a hobby, …

Source : REUTERS

  A Spanish policeman plays with

A Spanish policeman plays with


  Very important: Children stick together

Ganz important: Children hold together


Ceuta Exclave – More than 700 refugees cross the border fence

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The land of spots is surrounded by Morocco on the African continent. But Ceuta belongs to Spain. Refugees are still trying to enter the EU in this way.

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