Protestor beaten – Investigations launched against Macron executives


(afp) The attack of a protester against a protester puts French President Emmanuel Macron under pressure. The prosecution opened a preliminary investigation Thursday against the president's close associate.

Internally, the incident was already known, the man was temporarily suspended and transferred to the administration. He is accused of having hit the participant during a demonstration on May 1.

  The Macrons employee (right) launched a man at a demonstration in Paris on May 1. (Image: Nicolas Lescaut / AP / Videostill)

The employee Macrons (right) launched a man in a demonstration in Paris on May 1. (Image: Nicolas Lescaut / AP / Videostill)

The daily Le Monde published a video of the incident . According to the newspaper, the security guard wore a police helmet during the protest, toppled a young protester and beat him repeatedly.

Allegations of Violence

The Macron Chief of Staff authorized the police to use the event to participate, reported "The World". The prosecution now accuses of abuse of power and abuse of symbols reserved for the public sector.

The man was responsible for the security of Macron during the French presidential campaign last year and has since been working at the Palais de l'Elysée. The reservist of the gendarmerie had previously worked for former President Francois Hollande, but had been suspended for "misconduct".

According to government officials, another man serving as president during the May Day protests "overstepped his rights". The cooperation with this ruling party employee The Republic in March (LREM) has come to an end, said a spokesman for the government.

Police let the man grant

The case is now in the hands of the judiciary Prime Minister Edouard Philippe commented on the prosecutor's investigation. Interior Minister Gérard Collomb also announced a police investigation to determine the circumstances in which the incident occurred. The video shows the font that gives a hand to the man.

After the incident was known internally, according to the French government headquarters, the employee had been suspended for two weeks and subsequently transferred to the administration. From his own ranks of Macron's LREM, however, the criticism is that man continues to work for the government.

Laurent Wauquiez, leader of the conservative opposition party The Republicans, also thought that there would have been "maneuvers" to "the case". to cover ". Left-wing leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon called for the opening of a criminal case because all elements of a crime were given. The imitation of a police officer can be punished with one year imprisonment and 15,000 euros fine.

Macron has not answered questions about the incident so far. On May 1, the president stayed in Australia. At that time, he condemned the violence in the protests in a tweet and announced that everything was done "so that those responsible could be identified and held accountable for their actions."

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