Rail: "BamS": More and more illegal entry into Germany with freight trains


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  Federal Police on Freight Train Line   Federal Police on Freight Train Line

Federal Police on Freight Train Line

Source: dpa / AFP / Archive [19659007] Due to stricter controls on the German-Austrian border, escape routes have changed according to a newspaper article. Unauthorized entry into Germany with freight trains would increase, reported the "Bild am Sonntag", citing information from the Federal Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the security authorities noted that refugees were increasingly crossing the Swiss border into Germany rather than the Austrian border.

In total, the authorities registered from January to June 2018 21 435 persons who entered or were judged without authorization. 5,758 people were registered along the German-Austrian border

Federal police announced early Sunday morning that she had arrested seven migrants in the Rosenheim district in Bavaria illegally entered Germany via the Austrian border with a freight train from Italy are. In the search of about two hours, a police helicopter had been used. In addition, for safety reasons, the airlines had been cut off, so that train traffic at Rosenheim was interrupted.

Authorities reported finding a Guinean and six Nigerians, including a minor and a pregnant woman who was fired. The Guineer was taken to a refugee reception center, he said in the message. Nigerians were denied entry due to lack of asylum grounds, so they should soon leave Germany.

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