Red Ribbon at City Hall: City of Vienna shows solidarity with people living with HIV and AIDS | PID press


Vienna (OTS) On 1 December, the Vienna Anti-Discrimination Council, Jürgen Czernohorszky, and the Vienna Health Council, Peter Hacker, waved the red flag with the Anti-Discrimination Center on 1 December. Vienna discrimination for homosexual and transgender lifestyles (WASt).

Every year, the city of Vienna expresses its solidarity with all those affected by HIV and AIDS. The common call, which can also be read on the flag, is as follows:
"Fight AIDS, not AIDS patients!"

"In 2017, we had 510 new HIV diagnoses in Austria, which shows that the fight against the disease is still topical," said health advisor Peter Hacker.

Jürgen Czernohorszky, a municipal anti-discrimination council, emphasized the growing improvement of the medical treatment of HIV infection: "It is important that we also fight" social AIDS ".Our common concern is to fight against discrimination against people living with HIV / AIDS! "

Wolfgang Wilhelm, president of WASt and president of Aids Hilfe Wien, adds: "HIV-positive people are still discriminated against, whether in the family, in the circle of friends, in the workplace The fight against discrimination goes hand in hand with HIV prevention and only those who can participate in society on an equal footing are able to protect themselves against HIV. HIV infection. "

December 1st, World AIDS Day. It draws attention to the immunodeficiency AIDS and the discrimination to which HIV-positive people are exposed. There are currently 37 million people living with HIV / AIDS worldwide. (Fenced)

Surveys and contact:

Philipp Lindner
StR Jürgen Czernohorszky, spokesperson for the media
+43 1 4000 81853

Reinhard Krennhuber
StR Peter Hacker, Media Spokesperson
+43 1 4000 81248

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