Report: Ecuadorian President Seeks to Escape Assange's Asylum


Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno plans to negotiate a similar deal with the UK and remove Assange from the asylum, said the revelation reporter, Glenn Greenwald, on the Intercept website. He had fled to escape arrest and extradition to Sweden for alleged rape. Swedish justice closed its investigations in May of last year. However, the British authorities said that they would always stop him when leaving the embassy – because he had violated the law by fleeing to the country's embassy .

Assange had always said that he feared that he would eventually be extradited to the United States should he do so should leave the embassy. Washington blames him for publishing explosive US documents of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq via the WikiLeaks platform. During the last US presidential campaign, Wikileaks also published stolen e-mails from the Democratic Party, allegedly by Russian hackers, thus damaging Trump's unfortunate candidate, Hillary Clinton.

The Greenwald report referred to circles around the Ecuadorian Department of Foreign Affairs and Presidential Office. At the time, the "interception" reporter played a key role in handling the informant document Edward Snowden, who revealed a tremendous amount of internet surveillance by the Internet. US intelligence agency NSA. (SDA)

Posted on 22.07.2018 | Last update 17 minutes ago

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