Sanctions against Iran: the United States launches a fierce campaign


The US government has launched an offensive campaign of online speeches and actions aimed at provoking unrest in Iran and increasing pressure on the Iranian government for it to be declared. absentee of a nuclear program and support to terrorist groups. The campaign led by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Security Advisor John Bolton must accompany the punitive measures and sanctions announced by US President Donald Trump against Iran. US pro-government experts have reported

The Twitter campaign and the Farsi section of the government's "Share America" ​​website have left the Iranian government in a very bad light. In part, the information would be exaggerated or contradictory, criticized American experts. The White House has not commented on the news agencies.

The campaign of the last weeks has targeted Iranian citizens. On Share America, the US government has published articles in Farsi that anger and protests against the government of Hassan Ruhani increase among the population. On Sunday, the US State Department announced that Mike Pompeo would make a speech titled "Support Iranian Voices" to US citizens born in Iran to California.

Khamenei: "America can not trust"

"We do not aspire to regime change in Iran," said a Reuters Foreign Ministry official, " our goal is to change the behavior of the government, and we know that we force it to make tough decisions – either the government changes or it's hard to keep up with their bad intentions. "President Donald Trump believes that Iran is the biggest funder of terrorism.

Iranian President Hassan Rohani warned Trump against pursuing a policy hostile to the Islamic Republic. "America should know that a war against Iran is the mother of all wars," said Sunday the semi-official Isna Ruhani news agency. "Mr. Trump, do not play with the lion's tail, it would only lead to regrets." Rohani told the report to the Iranian diplomats. Other Iranian agencies have broadcast similar messages.

The Iranian political and religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had already been reprimanded on Saturday. "We can not trust the word and even the signature of the Americans," he said in the face of Trump's decision to abandon the US nuclear deal with Iran. Negotiations with the United States are useless and an "obvious mistake".

The United States Predicts "Unprecedented Pressure"

Hardliner Pompeo announced in May that he wanted to exert "unprecedented financial pressure" on the Tehran government. Among other things, an oil embargo is planned against Iran, so the US reaction wants to take the country's most important source of revenue. Washington will impose "the strongest sanctions in history," Pompeo announced.

These measures are aimed at reducing the dominance of Iran in the Middle East. The US government is convinced that Iran has waged proxy wars in the Middle East under the auspices of the Atomic Treaty. To this day, Iran is lying about its true intentions.

Iran considers the sanctions illegal and will take legal action against the United States in a symbolic act of reimposition and strengthening of sanctions, the International Court of Justice said in The Hague.

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