Sexual Harassment ?: Women Accuse Boss of CBS



  Moonves sees

Moonves sees "mistakes" that he regrets "immensely". (Photo: imago / MediaPunch)

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Now that's true also the boss of the American television channel CBS. Actresses and writers accuse Leslie Moonves, one of the most prominent TV managers, of having touched her against her will. He speaks himself about "mistakes".

Leslie Moonves, CBS chief, reportedly sexually harassed women for decades. Actresses and screenwriters accuse Moonves in the American magazine "The New Yorker" of having touched and kissed her against her will. He also threatened to destroy their career if they did not return the favor.

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The allegations involve six women and cover the period between 1980 and 2010. The author of the article, Ronan Farrow, had helped expose the alleged sexual assault of the producer from Harvey Weinstein films in the fall of last year. Shortly before the publication of the text, CAS acknowledged that "all allegations of personal misconduct must be taken seriously."

The broadcaster announced that it would investigate allegations of this nature. Moonve's name is not in the message. The head of CBS, one of the most well-known and powerful television executives in the United States, said: "I recognize that decades ago, I could have made the women uncomfortable with the advances. " Moonves therefore speaks of "mistakes", which he regrets "immensely". But he has always accepted a "no" of women. He has never abused his position to hinder careers.


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