Skripal case: Putin does not want to know about Nowitschok's attack


London has not presented any evidence that Russia is responsible for the poisoning of former Russian double agent Sergej Skripal in England. That's what Russian President Vladimir Putin told US TV channel Fox News Monday

"We would like to have written evidence, but nobody delivers it to us," Putin said. Behind the case, there may have been domestic problems in the UK: "But no one wants to take them into consideration," said Vladimir Putin

. "We only see these reproaches without purpose Why is this done? Why should our relationship be made worse by this?" Said the Russian leader.

Allegations Rejected in March

Skripal and his daughter were was poisoned in November in England with Novitschok, the British government blamed Russia, Putin had already rejected the allegations in the case of Skripal in March

At the end of June, a British couple was taken to the city. 39 Hospital for poisoning in Novichok and one victim died Perhaps the British couple came into contact with the remains of Nowitschok left by the attack of the Skripals. (SDA)

Published 17.07 .2018 | Updated 4 minutes ago

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