Social networks receive a lot of complaints | TIME ONLINE


Berlin (dpa) – The major social networks have half a year after the entry into force of the controversial law against hatred in the network already received hundreds of thousands of complaints.

The YouTube video service reported nearly 215,000 content between January and June under the Network Enforcement Act. The Twitter Short Message Service even received just under 265,000 complaints.

In Facebook – where a more complex notification procedure exists – only 1704 contributions have been criticized. Companies are required to disclose numbers. The fines did not have to pay any of the three platforms.

"It is clear that there are complaints – and not a few." The hate punishable on the Internet is real, tangible for those who engage with vehemence for democracy and tolerance, "said the State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Justice. Friday the 39th Unfortunately, this hate crime is not a "phenomenon of the time", but a permanent state.

The Network Enforcement Act came into effect on January 1st. It requires clear platforms clear criminal content 24 hours after an indication – and in less clear cases have a week of time. Anyone who systematically repeats this request and does not systematically comply with penalties of several million.

However, NetzDG – the short form – has been criticized many times. Opponents claim that it encourages operators to block content on the edge of fear of fines. This could lead to censorship. In the early days about a satirical tweet from the magazine "Titanic" was deleted.

Figures released Friday show that much of the content reported in this country is not removed or blocked. In Twitter only a little more than one in ten complaints encountered such consequences. The short message service employs more than 50 people who process network application law messages.

Google's YouTube affiliate, which hires 100 third-party reviewers for NetzDG, removed approximately 27 percent of reported content for violating the video community or NetzDG policy. 92% of them were suspended or deleted within 24 hours.

On Facebook, 65 employees check complaints received. It has been blocked or removed from 1704 contributions reported 362, which corresponds to about 21%.

If the networks do not respond quickly enough, users can contact the Federal Office of Justice. The expected wave of complaints, however, failed. During the first half of the year, only 526 ads were received via the online form, according to the Bonn dpa agency. Forecasts were according to a spokesman of the Federal Office to 25,000 cases a year.

It should be noted that the number of complaints on Twitter and YouTube is significantly higher than on Facebook. One reason for this is the different reporting path. While Twitter and YouTube users can specify the NetzDG as a reason directly in the report's message function, an additional form must be populated on Facebook, which is quite hard to find. The Federal Ministry of Justice has criticized the "complicated path of complaints" on Facebook. Secretary of State Billen however, congratulated on Friday that the law shows the first effect: "Nevertheless, we are only in the beginning".

Again the criticism is in the set of rules. "The NetzDG is and remains an unnecessary law and a threat to the freedom of expression on the Internet," said the Internet eco association. The federal government has made private companies "judges on the freedom of press and information on the net, without public control of the removal", said the CEO of Reporters Without Borders, Christian Mihr. "However, such an independent review body needs it to recognize an overblocking, that is, the deletion of a legally permitted content."

Facebook report

Twitter report

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