Spitsbergen: Polar Bear Attack – A member of the crew is allowed to leave the hospital


After the attack of the polar bear on Spitsbergen, a German crew member injured the cruise ship "MS Bremen" may leave the hospital again. This confirmed the hospital in Norwegian Tromsø at the request of SPIEGEL.

The polar bear keeper had landed Saturday, according to the Hapag-Lloyd Cruises organizer with colleagues – but without tourists – on membership in the Norwegian Arctic Archipelago Svalbard. A polar bear wounded the man on the head, the other people shot at the animal.

There was a partly violent criticism : The British comedian Ricky Gervais wrote something on Twitter: get too close to his natural environment and kill him as he gets closer from US. "Idiots."

The authorities and the tour operator defended their actions. "As the attempts of the other guards to evict the animal, unfortunately, were unsuccessful, had to intervene for reasons of self-defense and to protect the life of the person attacked, intervene," wrote Hapag-Lloyd in a statement

. According to Svalbard, the 42-year-old victim and the eleven other crew members prepared a trip for the passengers. The team had initially tried to drive the bear screaming and firing, said police chief Ole Jakob Malmo. The dead animal has now been taken to Longyearbyen, the largest colony of the archipelago, for further investigation.

The Svalbard authorities continue to warn of the danger posed by polar bears. They advise people traveling outside settlements to possess firearms or other means of deterring animals.

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