Syria and Russia launch new airstrikes on southern Syria


In South Sudan, the situation worsens after the failure of the mediation talks. Therefore, on Thursday, the UN Security Council convenes an emergency meeting

(afp) After the failure of the talks with rebels in southern Syria, Syrian government forces and their allies have Russia again bombed the region from the air, according to activists. As announced Wednesday the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights based in the United Kingdom, these are the first air strikes in four days. The organization relies on a network of local activists

  A girl holding the Syrian flag and a photo of Syrian President Bashar al-Asad in Daraa on July 4, 2018. (Photo: Omar Sanadiki / Reuters)

A girl holds the Syrian flag and a picture of Syrian President Bashar al-Asad in Daraa on July 4, 2018. (Photo: Omar Sanadiki / Reuters)

Previously, there had been talks between rebels and Russia's representatives failed for the moment from their remaining areas. According to the rebels, the rebels refused to respond to Moscow 's request to abandon their heavy weapons in one fell swoop.

The Security Council said on Thursday

that Russia had already given the rebels an ultimatum. Opposition fighters should surrender and surrender their territories to the Syrian government. Otherwise, new attacks are threatened.

The Syrian army is advancing since June 19 on Russian fighters in a major offensive against rebels in the south of the country. According to UN figures, between 270,000 and 330,000 people have since been put to flight. At the same time, Moscow acts as a mediator between the rebels and Damascus. Thursday, the UN Security Council meets for an emergency meeting on the situation in southern Syria.

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