Tamil Tigers: the case is brought before the Federal Court


The Federal Criminal Court decided last June that the Tamil Tigers are not a criminal organization. But now the decision has been advanced.

The Federal Court must consider whether the Tamil Tigers are a criminal organization. The federal prosecutor's office lodged a complaint last June against the judgment of the Federal Criminal Court.

A spokesman for the federal prosecutor's office confirmed Saturday a message from the newspapers of CH Media. The federal prosecutor's office has not made any statement as to the reason for the dismissal.

Acquitted in June 2018

The Federal Criminal Court ruled the case at first instance in June 2018; 13 accused stood in front of the gates. The Bellinzona court came to the conclusion that the Tamil Tigers were not considered a criminal organization and that all the defendants were free on this point.

After a nine-year investigation, the federal prosecutor's office had claimed that the accused had participated in a criminal organization or had supported it.

Defenders also dissatisfied

However, the Federal Criminal Court sentenced five of the defendants to suspended prison sentences, commercial fraud and, in two cases, the falsification of documents.

According to a newspaper article, Zurich lawyer Marcel Bosonnet has decided to defend the condemned prisoner at the head of the Coordinating Committee for the Tamil World (WTCC). Bosonnet therefore requests the acquittal of the minor points of the judgment. (SDA / JFR)

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