"Teeth of chalk": dentists warn of an illness in which teeth collapse


The "chalk teeth" are recognizable by changes in color and the breaking of the surface. Children with this condition should go to the dentist regularly.

© Prof. dr. Norbert Krämer

According to medical experts, a disease that can cause major dental damage is now widely used. Here, the teeth are gradually collapsing.

Berlin – Dentists warn against so-called chalk teeth in children. In this disease, the molars, but also the front teeth, sensitive to heat, cold or chemical stimuli.

"Chalk teeth": rough surface, tooth decay, pain

The teeth have a rough surface and are striated – which promotes tooth decay, reported dental professionals. Children would have trouble drinking, eating and brushing their teeth. The causes are disorders of enamel mineralization, explained the German Society of Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The important thing is a quick visit to the dentist,

According to the president of German Society of Pediatric DentistryNorbert Krämer, suffer on average from 10 to 15% of children with chalk teeth. A new study has even been detected in 30% of children under twelve. The chalk teeth should therefore be described as new widespread disease, said Krämer. The disease, the incisor molar hypomineralization (MIH), was first described in 1987.

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The first dental lesions were according to medical associations already registered with the unborn child in the eighth month of pregnancyCurrently, various causes are discussed. These would include pregnancy problems, infectious diseases, antibiotics, chicken pox, dioxin and upper respiratory tract disorders. In animal experiments, a relationship between the bisphenol-A plasticizer and the chalk teeth was detected. The precise cause is considered unexplained, write the associations.

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the yellowish-white to yellow-brown surface on the bumps of each tooth find or on the entire surface of the tooth. The teeth partially break. Regular visits to the dentist, home cleaning with a fluoride toothpaste, Flouridlack treatment at the doctor's office and the construction of broken teeth could contribute to its maintenance, said Stefan Zimmer, president of the German Society of Dentistry preventive.

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