The chaos in the British Parliament at the launch of a new Brexit plan


The reason: they did not receive copies of the 100-page white paper in advance. In addition, a conservative website published almost at the same time alternative plans, allegedly designed under the direction of Raab's predecessor, David Davis.

Davis and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson resigned in the conflict over the new plans on Monday. They fear that Britain remains too tied to the EU with the new strategy

At the heart of the new government plan is a free trade zone designed to guarantee the free movement of goods between the continent and the United States. UK. But Britain wants to continue to respect European rules and product standards in the future.

In terms of services, such as banking and insurance, the UK wants to go forward and accept that access to the single market is limited. But the country also wants to prevent uncontrolled immigration of EU citizens.

One may wonder how the EU reacts to the plans. EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, tweeted Thursday on the analysis of the White Paper "in light of the directives of the European Commission with Member States and the European Parliament". The EU's offer is a free trade agreement "plus effective cooperation on a wide range of issues, including strong cooperation in security matters". (SDA)

Published on 12.07.2018 | Last updated 21 minutes ago

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