The deadline has expired – many children are still separated from their parents | TIME ONLINE


US authorities do not collect many children under five with their parents before the end of a judicial period. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), only four out of 102 children from the Ministry of Health were reunited with families Tuesday afternoon (local time).

According to the information, another 50 family reunions could still be completed before the deadline. In 20 cases, the merger for logistical reasons is not possible in time, since the parents have already been expelled from the United States, the Department of Homeland Security.

United States Authority: Some parents are ineligible for amalgamation

In addition, some parents are "unfit for reunification" because of problems discovered during criminal background checks. These include, for example, violence against children, smuggling of children or drug-related offenses, this continues. In some cases, it has been found that people have mistakenly claimed to be the parents of a child.

Dana Sabraw, a judge in San Diego, ordered two deadlines for the US government at the end of June. According to them, separated children under five should be brought back to their mothers and fathers within 14 days by their parents on the border with Mexico. Older miners should be reunited within 30 days – the deadline is July 26; it's about 2,000 children. Judge Sabraw criticized the government's actions. "These are difficult deadlines, not ambitious goals," he lamented.

Parents Must Wear Irons

After their meeting with their offspring, most parents should be released. According to official figures, adults may need to wear chains while their cases are being processed in immigration courts – a process that can take years.

When US President Donald Trump was contacted about the missed deadline, he said: "Tell people that they should not come to our country illegally, that's the solution (of the problem) . "

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