The elected president of Mexico cuts his salary


This explains Andrés Manuel López Obrador Sunday (local time) in Mexico City. And this amount represents about 40% of the salary of his predecessor, incumbent Enrique Peña Nieto, who earned about 270,000 pesos a month, said the Linkspolitiker, known as the AMLO abbreviation

. of the AMLO plan to reduce the cost of bureaucracy in the country of Latin America. In the election campaign, he had already announced that he would also reduce the pensions of former presidents of Mexico.

He also plans to be included in the Mexican constitution that no one in the bureaucratic apparatus should earn more than the president. He would submit the initiative to Congress, said the 64-year-old. López Obrador was elected president on July 1st. He wrote the fight against corruption in Mexico on the flag. (SDA)

Posted on 16.07.2018 | Last update 31 minutes ago

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