The EU calls for an end to violence | TIME ONLINE


The EU has expressed concern over the escalation of demonstrations in in Nicaragua . "All violence must stop now," said Federica Mogherini, EU foreign policy officer. On Sunday night, five more people were killed in clashes between civilians and pro-government paramilitaries. Overall, according to the government up to now, 50 people have been killed. In contrast, human rights defenders report more than 270 deaths and more than 2,000 injuries.

The communication calls for a peaceful and democratic solution of the situation. Attacks on students and civilians are regrettable, as well as the late provision of medical assistance. Human rights organizations also call for corridors to remain safe.

Attack on University Building

Also Saturday, two people were killed and dozens were injured in attacks by government forces. According to the reports of the government daily La Prensa pro-government paramilitaries opened fire on the National Autonomous University of Managua, where opposition students were entrenched. More than 200 people have occupied part of the campus to demand a reform of the student organization Unión Nacional de Estudiantes de Nicaragua (UNEN). The student organization is the political arm of the ruling party.

The riots in Nicaragua began in mid-April: police violently violated demonstrations against planned social reforms. The plans included, among other things, pension reductions. Since then, protests have spread to the whole country. Meanwhile, protesters demand the resignation of President Daniel Ortega, the end of violence and freedom of the press.

President Ortega accuses the opposition of violence. He prefers early elections, as his opponents require. The vice president and wife of the president, Rosario Murillo, declared at the beginning of July that the government would continue to "work hard to prevent an attempt of coup d'etat from an unpatriotic minority".

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