The holidays begin in Germany: much expected traffic in Vorarlberg – Bregenz –


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Tourist traffic affects Vorarlberg
© VOL.AT / Steurer

Bregenz – The ÖAMTC is awaiting the temporary peak of summer traffic this summer.

In Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg start the summer holidays, already from Friday noon to Saturday at the beginning of the afternoon, the tourist groups will roll towards the south. A strong tourist traffic awaits the club but also to the north, many tourists have already returned home

congestion in Bregenz expected

The provincial police of Vorarlberger expects that the Seestraße Lochau according to "ORF Vorarlberg Bregenz will be overloaded.Also on the Rheinstraße from Bregenz towards Höchst there may happen traffic jams.In addition, there may be an increased traffic flow on the A14 to Switzerland until after the Kummenberg

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