The Israeli air force attacks a military target in Aleppo


According to Syrian state media, Israel attacked a military target in Aleppo province. The Israeli army has not yet commented on this

(afp) The Israeli army fired rockets at a Syrian military base in North of the Neirab military airbase, causing property damage, C & # 39; t is reported the official Syrian news agency Sana, citing military circles on Monday night. Israel claims to intervene only in the Syrian civil war when it sees its own security threatened.

On Sunday, the Syrian army and its allies launched an offensive on rebel-held areas in the south of the country near the Israeli border. The province of Kuneitra has begun. More than 800 shells have fallen in different parts of the province, reported the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. The battles took place about four kilometers from the buffer zone between Syria and the occupied Golan Heights.

The Israeli army did not comment on the report at first. She rarely comments on her operations in Syria. In the past, there have been repeated Israeli attacks near Damascus and in the central Syrian provinces of Homs and Hama. However, as far north as Aleppo, Israeli attacks rarely occur.

Other source

The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights said that he had information about a series of explosions around Neirab on Sunday night. There was reportedly Israeli attacks against positions of the Syrian government and its allies at and around Neirab Airport. The UK-based observatory is supported by a network of activists in Syria. Their data can hardly be verified independently.

Since the offensive of Russia and Syria in the southern province of Daraa, which began on June 19, the Israeli army is particularly vigilant. In early July, it reinforced the presence of troops in the occupied part of the Golan. On Wednesday, the Israeli army announced that it had intercepted a drone shot down from Syria. The "policy of non-interference in the Syrian conflict" remains "unchanged" as long as "Israeli sovereignty is not in question" and its citizens "not threatened".

No Tolerance

Syrian leader Bashar al-Asad engages in the civil war backed by Iran and the Shiite militia of Hezbollah – two declared enemies of Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly stated that he will not tolerate Iranian fighters in Syria on the border with Israel.

The Israeli Air Force also deployed in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip this weekend. According to Israeli sources, it was the largest offensive in the Palestinian territory since the Gaza war four years ago. Apparently, a ceasefire has been negotiated for this part of the conflict.

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