The lawsuit against the American porn actress and Trump's opponent dropped – People – Panorama


Police in Columbus, Ohio, accused her Thursday of physically having hit several visitors in the premises in violation of regional legislation. However, the allegations were dropped shortly thereafter.

Michael Avenatti, a lawyer for Stormy Daniels, had already denounced a "politically motivated" plot against his client. Three policemen visited their show at "Sirens Gentlemen's Club" in Columbus, according to Avenatti, they would have been "hidden" in use.

According to a court documentary, Stormy Daniels allegedly pressed her naked breasts against the faces of the three officers – one of them a woman – on stage

According to the Midwestern law of 39. Ohio, the strippers are naked. or semi-nude in clubs that prohibit physical contact with visitors. However, the law only applies to drapery specialists who regularly occur on the site.

However, this does not apply to Stormy Daniels and Sirens Gentleman's Club. Therefore, at the request of a prosecutor, the allegations against him were dropped in three cases of "illegal sexual activity in a sexual case," according to documents published by Avenatti.


Previously, Stormy was Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, was released on bail of about $ 6,000. Avenatti thanked the Columbus Procuratorate for its "professionalism".

Shortly after being arrested Thursday night (local time), the lawyer had denounced another "rigged game": "It smells of despair". Avenatti thus evokes the legal dispute in which he and Clifford with Trump and his former lawyer Michael Cohen stand

This is a sexual adventure that Clifford wants to have in 2006 with Trump. She had signed an agreement with Cohen a few days before the 2016 presidential election, in which she pledged not to disclose the getaway. In return, Trump's lawyer paid him $ 130,000

Clifford, meanwhile, wants to withdraw from the silence agreement and so went to court. She claims to have signed the agreement under heavy pressure

The White House has repeatedly denied the sexual adventure. Trump first denied knowing the payment. Later, he admitted that he had paid back the money to his lawyer

"Make America even cooler"

Clifford, meanwhile, went on a striptease tour for months with the original name "Make America cool" On Trump's slogan "Make America beautiful".

When she appeared at "Sirens Gentlemen's Club," the 39-year-old should have "slapped" her breasts against the faces of visitors, according to a court documentary. In addition, she "fingering" the breasts of other women

The three police officers had approached the stripper, according to local broadcaster WSYX, in the document. Clifford pressed his faces against her breast one after the other. One of the male police, she would have taken to the Po.

According to Avenatti, the initiative for physical contact had emanated from the officials. They asked Clifford to "put their faces on the stage between their breasts," he told MSNBC television channel

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