The number of measles infections is increasing rapidly


The growing number of measles infections alerted World Health Organization (WHO). In 2017, 30% more cases were reported worldwide than the year before, the sub-organization said. United Nations Thursday at Geneva,

This year, in turn, there were already ten percent more cases in November than in 2017. The original goal was measles eradicate by 2020. the WHO is skeptical if it still works. Worrying was also the development in Germany, Said WHO experts.

"There is no doubt that huge progress has been made since 2000," he said. Martin peace of the WHO Immunization Service. Since then, the number of infections has decreased by 85%. 21 million lives were saved, passes a new analysis of all data from the WHO and the US Department of Health CDC out.

Many parents underestimate the danger of measles

"But we are victims of our own success," said peace, Because a lot of parents in countries like Germany Hard to see cases of measles, they might underestimate the danger and become careless. "measles is a very contagious disease, sometimes fatal, with many complications, "warned Ann Lindstrand, vaccine expert at WHO.

Of the 53 states in the European region of WHO, according to the German National Verification Commission measles/ Rubella (NAVKO) 37 on measles eliminated. Germany does not count. 325 cases were reported in 2016, of which 929 last year, said NAVKO in November.

In 2017, 190,000 cases have been known worldwide. 110,000 people are on measles for most children, reports the WHO, She goes according to the information of peace let's assume that only a very small part of the 30% increase is due to better monitoring. The number of cases has actually increased. The actual number of cases is still significantly higher than reported: 6.7 million worldwide.

From RND / dpa

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