The Pope deplores the peace prayer "deadly indifference" about the Middle East


Pope Francis and the heads of the Eastern and Orthodox Churches in Bari. | © KNA

Bari, 7.7.18 ( In an ecumenical prayer for peace in Bari, in southern Italy, Pope Francis called for more peace for Christians and all Christians other peoples of the Middle East. At the same time he criticized Saturday a "deadly indifference" to the suffering of the region. "The Middle East cries, suffers and remains silent, while others trample these lands in search of power and wealth," said Pope Francis. For years, the region has been increasingly undermined by war, violence, destruction, occupation, fundamentalism and displacement. At the same time, he warned in his brief speech on the disappearance of Christians in the Middle East. Without them, it would no longer be "the Middle East" with its rich theological, spiritual and artistic tradition.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church, participated in the meeting of peace and prayer. Pope Tawadros II, Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as other leaders of the Orthodox and Near Eastern Churches and Roman Catholics

Prayer, Worship and Conversations

An hour of worship with about 20 senior representatives of Eastern and Orthodox Churches songs and prayers have been interpreted in many languages. Each of the church leaders lit a light of peace that was placed on a common chandelier. The prayer service included more than ten thousand people.

The Patriarchs and Metropolitans then returned to the Basilica of San Nicola, where the morning meeting began with a prayer in front of the reliquary of Saint Nicholas of Myra. The church is planning a one-and-a-half hour in camera conversation, where participants will discuss the situation of Christians in the Middle East and the challenges their churches face. The motto of the meeting was "Peace be with you."

The Status of Jerusalem Addressed

Pope Francis again called for the observance of the status quo of Jerusalem "in accordance with the decisions of the international community". "Only a negotiated settlement between Israelis and Palestinians, strongly desired and promoted by the community of nations", could lead to a stable and lasting peace and "ensure the coexistence of two states for two peoples," said the head of the government. ;Church. In his speech, he was accompanied by 20 other church leaders from the region.

In his speech, which was repeatedly interrupted by applause, the Pope also spoke more deeply about peace in the countries of the Middle East. Flanked by church leaders, he demanded equal rights for all citizens of the countries, criticized the "land occupations that tear apart peoples" as well as the pure rhetoric of peace, while delivering weapons . (kna)

Pope's speech at the Bari Peace Prayer

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