The quadruple murderer Thomas Nick even manipulates prison employees


The Rupperswil case was renegotiated yesterday in Aarau High Court. In the end, the judge upheld the trial verdict: Thomas Nick is a danger – and is properly held.

Almost three years ago, on 21 December 2015, Thomas Nick (35) extinguished four lives at Rupperswil AG. His act was deeply rooted in the spirit of the people. Yesterday too, quad beast killing was again a topic on the agenda: the appeal process unfolded in front of the Aarau High Court. Thomas Nick had challenged the verdict after the first trial – he considered the proper detention to be an addition to life imprisonment as too high (Blick report). His wish: imprisonment yes, but without detention. The quadruple murderer knows exactly: it's only then that he would have a chance to come back someday as a prison free man.

Rupperswil case – evaluation by the expert

Do I see the culprit in the tram?

Chief Judge Jann Six (SVP) did not play there. And broke the demand. Everything stays with the old man – and Thomas Nick carefully guarded. The quadruple murderer did not have to personally suffer defeat, he had to be excused from the appointment. His defender Renate Senn almost provocatively said his client was missing: "He had no treatment until today and so could not say anything other than the first trial."

Reviewer in cross-examination

Thus, the two evaluators Elmar Habermeyer and Josef Sachs are almost on the platform. In their evaluation of quadruple murder divide the spirits. Because they consider Thomas Nick as "treatable" in the long run. A circumstance that has even earned them the criticism of professional colleagues. The famous expert Frank Urbaniok spoke in a technical test and testified to the bad work of his colleagues.

The chronology of the quadruple murder of Rupperswil

Prosecutor Barbara Loppacher also went to court with the experts. Thomas Nick deliberately tries to mislead reviewers or even manipulate them. Because the two experts came to different clinical images. She warned that the accused was a master of the manipulation. For 32 long years, he built an empire of lies: fabulous studies, good grades, and even presented different averages of studies in discussions with reviewers. In short: "Now he just plays the penitent offender."

Disturbing call from prison

Then she reports a troubling incident. Thomas Nick even managed to call the prosecutor by a colleague from the Pöschwies prison in Regensdorf ZH. Loppacher: "She called indignantly why we recommend a guard, he was totally lost in the wind." The handling power of the quadruple killer also seems to be behind bars.

After the verdict, the prosecutor was all the more satisfied with the confirmation of her detention – she will accept the verdict. Barbara Loppacher, almost relieved, said: "It's now the first Christmas for three years, which I can enjoy," said the defense after the loss. It is quite possible that the Rupperswil case will again be examined by a federal court.

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