Referendum on the way: opponents of Ozeanium submit signatures collected in the courtyard of the town hall. (Photo: Telebasel)
As announced, the opponents of Oceania took part in the referendum: they handed on Wednesday 4919 signatures to the canton of Basel-City.
The committee "No to Oceanium" handed the signatures collected to the canton of Basel-City Wednesday afternoon at the town hall. Opponents of the giant aquarium project on Heuwaage held the referendum as announced on the way. According to the committee, 4919 signatures were collected. This should bring the Ozeanium project to the people. Besides the politicians of the red-green camp, the Franz Weber Foundation also belongs to the opposition.
In October, the Basel Grand Council gave its agreement to the world of marine experience of the Basel Zoo. The fact that nothing was frozen was clear from the beginning. Because the opponents had already announced, before the vote of the RCMP, want to hold the referendum in a parliamentary yes.
Big project of Zolli
The Zolli would like to build a world of marine adventures in the form of a giant aquarium on the Heuwaage. In the Ozeanium, tidal currents and other natural phenomena must be simulated with appropriate animals and the problems of the Mediterranean must be solved. The cost of construction should rise to 100 million francs. It should be financed by private donors. If Basler voters approve the project, the ocean will be built from 2021 and opened in 2024.
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