The successor of Rajoy facing a big challenge «


The largest opposition party in Spain has a new president: Pablo Casado, 37, was elected Saturday at the head of the conservative Popular Party (PP). The MP has prevailed at a party congress in Madrid against his rival Soraya Saenz de Santamaria. He succeeds the long-time prime minister and party leader PP Mariano Rajoy.

Rajoy was overthrown in early June as head of government in the Spanish parliament by a vote of no confidence and then resigned from his party office. His failure was also considered an account with his actions in the crisis of Catalonia and his handling of corruption cases within his party.

Spain has since been ruled by Socialist Government leader Pedro Sanchez. He had managed to repel Rajoy with the support of a heterogeneous coalition of the leftist Podemos Party, Catalan regionalists and Basque nationalists. There could be new legislative elections in 2020.

As the new president, Casado faces the difficult task of repositioning the conservative PP. In recent years, she has lost many voters who have been disappointed by the corruption scandals of the center-right party in Ciudadano. At the same time, he could run for office the following year as the Conservative's first candidate against Prime Minister Sanchez.

For Casado, 1701 delegates voted after the parties. Saenz de Santamaria, who had served under Rajoy for six years as deputy prime minister, received 1250 votes. The Casados ​​election marks a generational shift for the PP and could mean a right turn. Casado, for example, is continuing the conflict over the independence efforts of the Catalunya region.

Voted by a vote of confidence

Rajoy, one of Spain's most influential politicians for many years, said goodbye to his party Friday night in a moving speech. He called on his members to be "responsible in the performance of their homework". After about seven years as prime minister, the 63-year-old man was expelled from parliament by a vote of no confidence in early June and then resigned at the head of the PP.

He led the Conservative Party since 2004. Background of Failure and Retirement Rajoys was, among other things, a corruption scandal. Sanchez had tabled a motion of censure in the parliament himself after the leaders of the PP were sentenced to long prison terms.

During his tenure as prime minister, Rajoy survived several major crises. These included a severe recession from which he drove his country with a severe austerity program, a political blockade that lasted for several months in 2016 and the elimination of the elimination of the Catalonia last year. Critics accuse Rajoy of strengthening defenders of independence by his firm stance


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