The United States and North Korea do not agree on nuclear disarmament


The outcome of the talks was "extremely regrettable" because the United States insisted on a unilateral, complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea, the official KCNA official said Saturday. The "determined and firm" intention of North Korea to abandon the nuclear program could endanger it. Pompeo had spoken of "progress on almost all key issues" after the two-day talks.

Pompeo's correspondent on Friday and Saturday was former intelligence chief Kim Yong-chol, with whom he chaired President Donald Trump's summit. Jong-a had threaded. With Kim, whom he had met during his previous two visits to Pyongyang, Pompeo was not speaking this time. However, he sent a letter to Trump for Kim, Kim in turn, according to KCNA, a letter to Trump was given to him.

Kim accepted at the Singapore summit to work on a complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. but left open how and when the nuclear weapons program should be manipulated. Trump had offered security guarantees to North Korea in return. The United States has also ruled out joint military maneuvers with South Korea. "We had suspected that the United States would come up with a constructive proposal and assume we would get something back," said a spokesman for the ministry. But after the talks, we stand before the dangerous situation, "that our intent to denuclearize, determined and firm, may falter". The fastest way to reach a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons is to adopt a phased approach, with both sides implementing the agreed measures at the same time. A statement from the US Department of State was initially not to be received.

Pompeo and his North Korean interlocutor had said Saturday before the last round of talks, that they had "something to clarify". Before leaving for Tokyo, Pompeo then spoke of progress on all fronts, with more work in some areas than in others. The talks also set a timetable for North Korea's nuclear disarmament, he said, according to a report accompanying US journalists. North Korea is serious in its promises of complete denuclearization. The working groups will now work on the details to review the denuclearization steps.

The spokeswoman said that Pompeo had adhered to the points that Trump and Kim had heard at their Singapore summit: complete denuclearization, security guarantees and repatriation of the remains of US soldiers killed in the war of Korea 1950-53 in the United States. On this last point, labor negotiations will begin at the inter-Korean border on 12 July.

US Foreign, Defense and Intelligence officials expressed concern that Trump would have exaggerated the results of the Singapore Summit. North Korea must prove in its working-level discussions that it takes the promises of the summit seriously, intelligence sources said. When told that North Korea continues to develop its nuclear capabilities, according to intelligence reports, Pompeo said, "We talked about what North Koreans want" and how to implement the full denuclearization agreed between Trump and Kim. 19659009] (function (d, s, id) {
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