The world's population has exhausted its resources – Switzerland much earlier – abroad


The world's population has never experienced an eco-pump so early. Scientists calculate when resources are consumed, which could grow again in a year, that is, are sustainably available. In 1970, mathematically speaking, it was only at the end of December that it was already far away, already in 2000 in September. According to the Global Footprint, the world population is now functioning as if it had 1.7 Earth.

Switzerland alone is worse, according to a statement from WWF Switzerland. The Swiss Land Surcharge Day has already taken place on May 7th. "Just five months, so the Swiss population comes with their resources," he says. If all the people of the world lived this way, three lands would be needed

Picnic instead of the little trip

Ecologists use this day to encourage a smoother use of raw materials. "We must finally make our way of life more climate-friendly and more sustainable in order to stop the depletion of resources," said the head of the German Green Alliance Baerbock. "Energiewende, ecological agriculture and the growing awareness of sustainable production must be on the political agenda."

WWF Switzerland advises people to reduce their ecological footprint compared to August 1st. So, one must celebrate the national holiday with a picnic in Switzerland instead of a short trip abroad. It is better to leave the car in the garage and avoid unnecessary packaging.

The environmentally friendly barbecue bosses put vegetables on the plate, according to the environmental organization. If you do not want to give up the meat, take the best for Cervelat. "In the Swiss national sausage, fewer" precious "cuts of meat are usefully used."

To mark the day, the Global Footprint Network does not only consider the consumption of wood, animals and soils. CO2 emissions are also included in the calculation. World Overburden Day – or World Overcoming Day – has been around since 2006.

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