The Council of States has made the decision as swiss as you can imagine. To the billion of aid granted to the countries of Eastern and Southern Europe, he says "yes, but": the promises of credit will be fulfilled only if the EU does not "take discriminatory measures to l & rsquo; With regard to Switzerland ". The reserve is intended for punitive action anticipated from the EU if no framework agreement is reached in the coming days.
Swiss politics is not known for its clearcuts and big jumps. It is better to get between two risky options in this country and hope to reach a more friendly land later. The elegant is rare, but sometimes very smart. The decision in favor of the draft law on cohesion seems to oblige this tradition: a non-severe could have triggered an escalation, but an unconditional yes could not be transmitted to "the population".
But as the small parliamentary chamber unanimously supports the procedure, its usefulness is not really obvious. The EU will hardly notice the warning shot. It is also unclear which authority would be responsible for proving to the EU "discriminatory" behavior – and whether this evidence could be effectively carried out. Denying cohesion payments remains a high-risk political game, regardless of your legitimacy.
We still do not know if and how the EU will act against Switzerland. In March, when the National Council will have to decide on billions of cohesion, this will be known. The hanging will then be much more difficult for the large chamber than for the Council of States.
Should Switzerland pay another EU cohesion bill to the EU?
(Editors Tamedia)
Created: 29.11.2018, 11:59
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