Thousands of Iranians exiled to Demo – "regime change closer than ever" – News


  • "The wheels of change began to turn," said the conference of a federation of Iranian exiles opposed to the Islamic Republic.
  • Donald Trump threatened "to stifle the dictatorial ayatollahs of Iran" The American attorney lawyer Rudy Giuliani
  • And in view of the dispute over the & [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[nuclearagreementwithTehrantheconfidentTrumpsaid:Europeshouldbeashamed

Thousands of Iranian exiled opponents joined on a Saturday. Called at the end of the regime of the mullahs in their hometown near Paris

"Despite the oppression"

Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), did not doubtful of the Villepinte rally: "A change of regime is closer than ever.The wheels of change have begun to turn."

Over the past six months, Iranian citizens of all nationalities and ethnic groups have revolted despite "the maximum oppression of the scheme," Rajavi said. "We want to build a society based on the foundations of freedom, equality and democracy."

"Aying Ayatollah"

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani delivered a speech at the CNRI conference in Paris. an umbrella organization of exiled Iranians who oppose the Islamic Republic. Its main faction is the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), which was once considered a terrorist group by the United States and Europe.

Donald Trump's lawyer and close confidante told Reuters: Will smother the "dictatorial ayatollahs" of Iran.

Trump Consultant: Sanctions for Regime Change

He suggested that Trump's measures to reintroduce sanctions are directly aimed at regime change. "We are now able to see the end of the Iranian regime," said Giuliani, pointing to recent protests in Iran triggered by a monetary crash after Trump's withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal. "When the biggest economic power stops doing business with you, then you collapse and the penalties become bigger and bigger, "continues Giuliani

European countries, the Iranian nuclear deal 2015 in Vienna with the US Have signed Russia and China, but respect the agreement. They argue that it prevents Iran from developing military grade nuclear fuel. Giuliani, meanwhile, said that Europe should have "shame". The US president "does not plan to turn his back on the freedom fighters" The appeasement policy is over

The Iranian supreme leader reacts

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Iran had already declared in Tehran that Trump will fail in any attempt to incite the Iranian people against the ruling system.

"They want to pressure the Iranians against their leadership, but six US presidents have tried and had to give up" Khamenei said on his website.

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