Trade union crisis: Interior Minister Seehofer wants to hand over the Interior Minister and the party chairman


CSU Interior Minister Horst Seehofer says Sunday night he wants to give up his post in the asylum dispute with Chancellor Angela Merkel

ben, Berlin / kkl.

The most important facts in brief:

  • CSU President Horst Seehofer is not satisfied with the results of the EU summit to abandon planned rejections At the border, he said at the CSU meeting Sunday that the results were "not effective" and that his conversation with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Saturday was "ineffective".
  • On Sunday evening, Seehofer offered his party the withdrawal of all the offices. Alexander Dobrindt would have described it as "directly unacceptable".
  • At the European summit on Thursday and Friday, the 28 Member States agreed on a strengthening of the European asylum policy. As a central measure, they decided to create asylum centers inside and outside the EU

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Background: How does the resignation of a minister?

Appointment, Revocation and Resignation Federal Ministers are governed by the Basic Law and the Federal Minister's Law. At the same time, there is no formal distinction between voluntary resignation and dismissal. "Federal ministers can be released at any time and demand their release at any time," said the federal minister. The Basic Law regulates in Article 64: "Federal Ministers are appointed and dismissed by the Federal President on the recommendation of the Federal Chancellor."


Chancellor Angela Merkel discusses the importance of the expected return mechanism with Greece stressed. The deal would virtually mean a rejection of so-called Dublin refugees coming from there with a registration in the EU, said Merkel, according to information from the German news agency in Berlin. Participating circles Sunday evening. Migrants registered in Greece accounted for about 70% of those who came to Germany to request a new procedure, which allowed them to be clear.

The predecessor of Seehofer as Minister of the Interior, Thomas de Maizière (CDU), warned Encounter, the rejections at the border are legally dubious. Just an administrative tribunal to rule against – how would CSU then be there? In addition, the UHC never raised the issue of rejection in coalition negotiations.


Jakob Augstein, co-owner of Spiegel magazine, commented particularly blatantly on the unclear situation of the news:

"Bild" -Challenge Paul Ronzheimer that the resignation could also be a fake:


Seehofer said after nearly eight hours of deliberation, according to participants, there are three options: either the CSU skew over Merkel in the policy of ;asylum. Or, as Minister of the Interior, he ordered the rejection of some migrants at the German border – with all the dangers associated with continuing the existence of the coalition. And the third option is that he resigns as party leader and minister – and he must also do it. He will be 69 next Wednesday, and he has accomplished a great deal.

CSU MP Andreas Lenz published notes of the meeting. They show the three options described above, which Seehofer describes during a crisis briefing.


The CDU immediately after the news of the withdrawal of CSU Chief and Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer Chancellor Angela Merkel's policy on asylum "Unilateral rejections would in our opinion be a bad signal for our European interlocutors," said CDU Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer on Sunday evening in Berlin, not to mention the news of the announced withdrawal of Seehofer

Decisions agreements and agreements would be a good basis for effectively reducing secondary migration. Negotiations should continue quickly, said Kramp-Karrenbauer. The board of directors of the CDU decided with one abstention that the objective of the CDU is to better organize, control and limit immigration. In this one is in agreement with the CSU. Kramp-Karrenbauer said he needed effective and humane solutions with European partners in asylum policy.

In the meantime, the Greens are also acting as if the resignation of Seehofer had already been confirmed. The proposed explanation: He wanted to make life difficult for the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and the president of CSU-Landesgruppe in the Bundestag, Alexander Dobrindt:


Seehofer has the offers of Chancellor Merkel to reconciliation in the rejected asylum dispute. Now, it depends on whether the CSU wants to lead the decades-old Union alliance to break up. Peter Rásonyi, the head of New Zealand's diplomacy, shows how things could go on now:


In the afternoon, Seehofer had announced a personal explanation for the evening, but that goes further and further.


Alexander Dobrindt, head of the CSU, and other members of the board of directors seem to be resolved against the offer of resignation of Horst Seehofer and wish the leaders of the CSU vote on this. The session should be interrupted for the moment; however, it is unclear how long the interruption will take.

  Seehofer (2nd from left) retires to consult confidants of the CSU leadership. He has already offered to abandon the party and the ministerial office. (Peter Kneffel / dpa via AP)

Seehofer (2nd from left) retires to consult confidants of the CSU leadership. He has already offered to abandon the party and the ministerial office. (Peter Kneffel / dpa via AP)


In the bitter dispute over asylum with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), the Federal Minister of the Interior and CSU chief Horst Seehofer wants to abandon both offices. He said that Sunday at a CSU board meeting in Munich, according to information from participating circles. Seehofer is only a little less than 100 days into the new federal grand coalition Interior Minister, since 2008 he is head of the CSU.

Earlier, the CSU board of directors had discussed for more than seven hours the consequences of UHC in the asylum dispute with the CDU. Here, Seehofer and his party friends voted overwhelmingly against the decisions of the European summit and for a national entry

Initial situation:

  Horst Seehofer (Image: Hannibal Hanschke / Reuters)

Horst Seehofer (Image: Hannibal Hanschke / Reuters)

Benedict Neff, Berlin · On Saturday evening, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer met at the Chancery. The pictures show how the two are walking on a balcony: she walks with a glass of red wine in her hand, then trots with a glass of water. Then the curtains were pulled. After two hours, Seehofer left the chancery again

Nothing is known of the conversation between the two, so that the dispute between Seehofer and Merkel will dissolve in the policy of asylum. CSU leaders meet Sunday afternoon in Munich, leaders of the CDU meet in Berlin. All attention is directed to Seehofer. Originally, after 19:00, he wanted to explain how his party, the CSU, behaved in the face of Merkel 's conclusions from the EU summit on Thursday and Friday. But the CSU meeting is still dragging on and the CDU is still meeting

Signs of continuing dissatisfaction

There are initial signs that Seehofer is not satisfied with the results of Merkel's negotiation. According to the German News Agency, Mr Seehofer stated that they had no effect on border controls and discharges at the border, as he stated at the time of the meeting of the CSU Council. In addition, he reportedly declared the meeting with Merkel at the ineffective Chancery, as reported various newspapers

Merkel gave the ZDF Sunday afternoon a so-called summer interview. In this document, she keeps herself safe, as regards the outcome of the conflict between the CDU and the CSU. This also indicates that there was no agreement between her and Seehofer on Saturday night. She sees her mission in Brussels as fulfilled: "In the sum of all we have decided on the whole, it is the same thing. That's my personal opinion. Of course, the UHC has to decide for itself.

Perhaps the Chancellor herself must be surprised that her Interior Minister is telling the public on Sunday night. Everyone knows that it is serious, said Merkel in an interview

The threat of Seehofer

The content of the conflict is a question: the CSU wants already registered asylum seekers in another country from the EU to the German border send. Merkel rejects such a German solo attempt. Seehofer threatened to have the refusals enforced at the border at the beginning of July by a ministerial decision, Merkel would not succeed in obtaining a result of negotiation "with equal effect" of Brussels. Merkel reported that she would not accept the arbitrary action of Seehofer. She did not say it, and yet it seems clear: she would fire him.

This starting point means that Sunday not a detail of the German asylum policy does decide, but the continued existence of the faction community CDU and CSU, stability the German government and European politics refugees. For if Seehofer introduced these border controls, this would automatically lead to a European chain reaction.

Merkel: "It's more than effective"

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz recently said: "If Germany sets measures, then of course we have to put the same measures at our borders. "It is precisely this reaction that should make Seehofer reflect." Kurz has long since become a kind of pillar of the CSU. "Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder even recently declared that he would not not to campaign in Bavaria with the German Chancellor, but rather with the Austrian Chancellor Does the CSU really want to invest with its Austrian alpine brother in a unilateral asylum action?

Merkel's position appears to be stronger than ever before the EU summit.It felt that the conflict with the CSU was an "incentive" to find solutions in Brussels, she said Friday.He was already trying to take charge of the interpretation of The results of the summit: She spoke of "substantial results", the demands of the CSU were met: "It is more than effective."

Söder: "Bayern has moved a lot here- Low "

From the CSU came different signals. Söder said: "This is absolutely in the right direction." And he also knew why: "Bayern has moved a lot there." If one joins Söder, the outcome of the asylum dispute is very clear: the CSU sees a unilateral Asylum-search, but savored with pleasure, how the Chancellor's legs have done and that the new asylum policy of the EU in principle was conceived in Munich.

However, the thing is not so clear. CSU national group leader Alexander Dobrindt said his party still considers national measures necessary. It has even been confirmed by the decisions of the European Council. However, encouraging EU members to go it alone is a somewhat idiosyncratic interpretation of the EU summit. Nevertheless, the Bavarian threat remains with her

Brussels Memoranda of Understanding

Merkel did two things in Brussels that touch the heart of the conflict with the CSU. The conclusion of the EU summit is as follows: "With regard to the situation in the EU, the secondary movement of asylum seekers between Member States threatens to compromise the EU. integrity of the Common European Asylum System and the Schengen acquis. Member States should take all necessary domestic legislative and administrative measures against these migratory movements, working closely together. "

The EU therefore wants to redouble its efforts so that asylum seekers do not move to Europe but stay in the country where they live for the first time." The verb "should "Makes it clear that it is only a statement of intent and not a binding regulation.

Accompanying this point, Merkel announced repatriation agreements that would allow Germany to return asylum seekers more quickly to those states where they were first registered.In addition to Spain and Greece, fourteen other states would have made promises of such contracts, according to a document from the Chancellery.After a short time, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland have already denied such an agreement.

Austria and Italy have also been reluctant to conclude bilateral agreements, but the effectiveness of such agreements could be limited anyway, as the current figures suggest. From January to the end of May, Germany submitted 9233 transfer requests to Italy. These were approved in 8421 cases. Nevertheless, there were only 1384 interpretations. In Spain and Greece, the rate is even lower

Merkel takes Seehofer in the bond

Clever Merkel fled the ball after the summit of the EU Seehofer: It's now to him, these bilateral softwood agreements with the respective countries negotiate in detail. She herself managed to create a vague framework for such negotiations in Brussels.

CSU has spoken in recent weeks about the "end of credibility" and the need for "asylum change". Seehofer must publicly admit on Sunday night: did Merkel get an "equivalent-effect" result in Brussels, was the "change of asylum" initiated?

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