Trump affair with the EU Juncker: analysis and votes of the United States


Big surprise Wednesday afternoon (local time) in Washington DC: The trade dispute between the United States and the EU has been suspended. "I came here with the intention of negotiating an agreement and we have concluded a deal today," EU leader Jean-Claude Juncker told the White House. He turned to the American president and added in a friendly tone: "Thank you, Donald."


Is everything okay now? BLICK explains the key points, analyzes the agreement and issues the votes of American experts and personalities

Agreement between Trump and Juncker

De-escalation: Both parties are ready to speak. As long as you negotiate with each other, the US and the EU will not introduce new tariffs and will not increase existing tariffs.

Concessions: The EU wants to buy more soy in the United States and increase US LPG exports. In addition, trade in services such as chemicals, drugs and medical devices needs to be intensified.

In return, US President Trump examines tariffs already imposed on steel and aluminum and seeks a "solution". In addition, Trump's threat for the time being will be ruled out to impose high import duties on cars coming from Europe

Final Target: Eliminate all trade barriers.

WTO: The United States and the EU want to jointly reform the last so much criticized World Trade Organization (WTO).

LOOK analysis: Trump was under pressure – and delivered

That affable Jean-Claude Juncker Having a connection with Trump is not a secret. The two gentlemen are good with each other. These are the omens. Rather, the boss of the EU, but played the fact in the cards that Trump in the United States is under pressure.

The US-led trade conflict with China, North American partners and the EU is already having an impact: peasants are suffering! Agricultural products such as soy, sugar and several types of fruits are becoming more expensive abroad because of punitive tariffs. This makes the products less attractive.

The government announced Tuesday an answer to help the peasants with a $ 12 billion emergency aid program. This caused a lot of criticism. Republican Senator Bob Corker described the US president's trade policy as "horrible". "First, Trump's terrible policy is driving peasants into a poor house and now they are receiving welfare benefits." It's hard to believe that "donate," Corker added.

Other powerful Republicans criticized Trump's relations with his trading partners. For example, the Texan Jeb Hensarling. He said that Congress must take back responsibility for trade-related issues that it has constitutionally right.

With the agreement, Trump temporarily withdraws from the firing line. At the same time, he keeps his face in front of his constituents, because he could extort some concessions from the EU. A political leader of Trump. It remains to know if he wants to seriously eliminate all trade barriers.

US experts on LOOK: "It's good news"

Edward Alden, negotiation expert and author: "It looks like a ceasefire." The key point is that the United States will not push car rates for the moment, leaving room for negotiation. "The most important commitment that has been made is to work together to tackle the reform. long awaited at the WTO.Alden says: "The agreement benefits both parties. We left Thursday before another dangerous climb. This is good news.

Robert Holleyman Former United States Deputy Trade Representative 2014-2017: "It is encouraging to see the US and the EU discuss trade" It is crucial for future negotiations that the two parties are not only dealing with tariffs, but also new topics such as digital commerce and data flow Holleyman: "Any real agreement of the 21st century must include data."

Dan Ikenson Director of the Trade Policy Center of the Cato Institute, one of the most influential economico-political think tanks in the United States.] "I do not think we should react too euphorically. There were no substantive agreements. "On the contrary, his concerns have grown that Trump will hinder the auto trade later this year," says Ikenson. "Because this issue has not been specifically addressed."

Brian Hawkins, Dean at California International Business University of San Diego: "I am very confident. If the agreement really takes shape now, it promises both stability and mutual benefit. US producers and farmers will be able to maintain or even increase their sales. In return, the EU will benefit from alternative access to liquefied natural gas exports with the United States as an alternative to Russia. Hakwins continues, "One thing Donald Trump has to admit is that he reaches agreements in a dramatic way."

Trump tweets Knutsch photo with Juncker

Following the meeting with European leader Juncker US President Trump sent several tweets. A message shows a picture of the two men hugging each other in their farewells. Juncker even pecked at the American president.

Trump went on to say that the process of implementation of the agreement has already begun. He felt a "great affection" in the room. Trump reports: "A quick breakthrough that no one thought possible!"

Published 26.07.2018 | Updated at 07:46

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