Trump brakes Tesla – watson


A Tesla charging station in Beijing. Image: AP / AP

Trump brakes Tesla

Tesla cars are too expensive in China because of the tariffs imposed in the trade dispute between the United States and China. The paragraph broke in October.

The trade dispute between the United States and China has reduced the sales of pioneer electric car Tesla in the People's Republic. The American company sold only 211 vehicles in October on the world's largest automobile market, 70% less than a year ago.

This was announced Tuesday by the Chinese Industry Association. Tesla did not comment at first. The group is particularly affected by punitive tariffs, as Tesla exports all the vehicles sold there in China.

Last week, the electric car manufacturer announced that it was lowering its prices for X and S models in China in order to offset the tariffs. At the same time, the company is encouraging investment in its first production site in China. It should come from Shanghai. The Beijing government raised tariffs on US cars imported at 40 percent this summer.

In addition to the punitive tariffs, Tesla is making the Chinese competition in the electric car market the breakthrough in China. (Oli / SDA)

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