Trump meets Putin: news ticker with all current news


Monday at 1 pm, begins the first summit of the presidential palace in Helsinki: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Two political euomanies – finally only in the honor. And even in a historically detrimental place!

Until the Bolshevik Revolution, the palace in the heart of Helsinki was the Finnish residence of the Russian tsars. The former KGB officer, Putin, will be tempted to give the secret master of the house the "successor" of tsarist dreams of power.

It is also because Putin began what Putin calls the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century." The signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) on August 1, 1975 marked the beginning of the creeping end of the Soviet Union. The European Union, which in its current form is also a "byproduct" of Helsinki, has long been a thorn in Putin's foot

United Against Europe?

At least on this point, there should be unity between the two presidents. The multilateral world order, also shaped by the CSCE, is a horror for the US president. According to him, the "best negotiator of all time" wants to free the United States from the straitjacket of international treaties. Just last week in Brussels and London, indeed insulted Trump its partners in NATO and the EU.

So, that is the starting position when Trump and the President of the Russian Federation sit three times today. First with a private conversation accompanied by performers. Then at the working meeting of the two delegations and finally at a working dinner.

It is not known yet whether there will be an official final document and a joint press conference at the end

Belly-maker versus cool analyst

"The former secretary of the US Deputy State Strobe Talbott described the usual preparations for these summits on Sunday.All revolved around three key questions: What do the US want? What is the other side? And what do the two have in common? Talbottestcertainquel & # 39; ancienfonctionnairedesservicesderenseignementsPoutineviendraàHelsinkidanslesmeilleurescirconstancesTrumpd & # 39; unautrecôtéestcroiséavecsonéquipeSonconseilleràlasécuritéJohnBoltonlesecrétaireàlaDéfenseJimMattisetlechefdurenseignementDanCoatspréviennentcommebiend & # 39; autresqueleKremlinchercheàdétruirelesdémocratiesoccidentaleslibérales

Trump denies this scenario as the suspect Internet trolls the Kremlin leader Could have influenced presidents Instead of s & # 39;. press of With facts and tedious strategy sessions, he prefers to rely on his informed decisions.

Three days before Helsinki, Special Investigator Robert Mueller filed a complaint against twelve officers of the Russian military intelligence service GRU. As always, the Kremlin has denied. Trump felt the time as an attempt by his opponents to stop the summit at the last moment. A good relationship between him and Putin is important for the whole world.

There is, in fact, a lot to say. The relationship between the United States and Russia is as bad as it has been for many years

What's on the agenda?

Putin hopes at least a relaxation of international sanctions and therefore indirect recognition of the annexation of Crimea. The Russian also wants to prevent the enlargement of the EU and NATO, for example to Ukraine, and maintain its sphere of influence in the Near and Middle East. He would very much like to see the withdrawal of US elite units from Syria and Iraq.

Putin, as Trump hopes, will he support US political goals in North Korea and Iran? Does the Russian accept the "New START" nuclear disarmament program? Could Trump pull Moscow from the US side in the trade dispute with China and the EU?

Trump relies on his emotionally controlled talent of the "Dealmaker". But not only do Europeans fear that the president's ego will succumb to Putin's flattering charm and that Trump will be overthrown by the icy analyst Putin

not in favor, but to the detriment of the free world.

Posted on 16.07.2018 | Last updated 13 minutes ago

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