Trump meets the Queen – and goes on a tour of London – overseas


On his next visit to the United Kingdom, the US president limited Donald Trump's stay (19659003) in the capital, London, where demonstrations were held against him at a minimum. According to the British government, Trump will first meet representatives of the business world at Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill, near Oxford on Thursday. The presidential couple spends the night at the residence of the British ambassador in London

On Friday, Trump will meet with Prime Minister Theresa May . The venue of the meeting is the Domain Checkers near London. After that, Trump and his wife Melania must visit Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle outside London. From Friday to Sunday, The Trumps will be in Scotland – presumably at the Trump Turnberry luxury golf club.

A spokeswoman for the British government denied that Trump was avoiding the expected protests. The venues for discussions outside the capital had been chosen to hold the talks in an informal atmosphere. To protest against Trump, a huge baby-shaped balloon layered with the president's face is supposed to hover over London

From May to Putin

The main concern of the 39 Host is a free trade agreement with the United States, which is supposed to boost trade relations after the UK's exit from the EU. Can aspire to an "ambitious agreement" with the United States, said the spokeswoman. "Trump's visit is an important moment to honor our close relationship."

Trump also wants "a bilateral trade deal as soon as possible," said US Ambassador to London Woody Johnson. Brexit was "a unique opportunity for Britain to change course," said the diplomat. Both parties are already discussing a trade agreement.

Before his visit to the island, Trump is at the NATO summit in Brussels. From Scotland, he travels to Helsinki, where a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled. (afp)

Created: 06.07.2018, 22:18

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