Two dead during a tractor accident in Dornbirn


Two people lost their lives in a road accident in Dornbirn on Saturday. A tractor of five people left a dirt road and crashed into a creek bed.

According to the police, the accident occurred shortly after 18 hours. A 43-year-old man was coming down a freight track from Sattelalpe with an unauthorized tractor. He carries four more men into a cargo area. Shortly before a bridge, the group encountered a vehicle. The tractor driver wanted to avoid, but came to the right of the road and crashed about eight meters on a steep embankment in Kobelach. The vehicle overturned and laterally immobilized

  Two dead



The handlebars were drunk

Two men, aged 41 and 49, were always dead at the scene of the accident. The other three men sustained serious injuries. They were taken to hospitals in Dornbirn, Feldkirch and Bregenz. An alcohol test done on the driver of the vehicle yielded 1.8 per thousand.

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