UN countries agree on mass migration agreements


The signing of the non-binding agreement is scheduled for December in Morocco. Of the 193 member states of the UN, 192 have approved. Only the United States is not involved. They withdrew from the negotiations on the grounds that the agreement was inconsistent with the sovereignty of the United States.

According to the Hungarian media, the Budapest government is considering withdrawing the agreement. The reason is that the pact could increase migration to Europe.

The treaty includes 23 goals to better guide global migration flows. An obstacle on the road to agreement was illegal migration. Some Member States insisted that unregistered immigrants be deported to their homeland.

According to Uno data, there are more than 250 million migrants on earth. That's 3.4% of the world's population. "Migration is a fact," said UN General Assembly President Miroslav Lajcak. "But until now, we had no instrument to guide this process." This should now change with the agreement, as pointed out the Swiss ambassador of Uno, Jürg Lauber. The strength of the document is its practical value.

In a press release issued by the DFA on Friday, Switzerland welcomed the approval of UN member states to draft the "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration". The conclusion of the negotiations was an important step towards common state standards, to strengthen the positive aspects of migration and to contain the negative aspects through joint efforts.

Switzerland and Mexico led the negotiation process according to the communiqué. (SDA)

Posted on 14.07.2018 | Updated at 01:13

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