UN Secretary-General Guterres calls for an end to violence in Nicaragua


"It is very important to immediately stop the violence and restore a national political dialogue," he said at a press conference in Costa Rica

. Until now, Guterres had not spoken explicitly about the conflict in Nicaragua. The human rights watch group Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused him of not pleading enough for the end of the violence in Nicaragua. Guterres act "cowardly and helpless," said the head of the HRW in America, José Miguel Vivanco, the newspaper "La Nación". The fact that he has not positioned himself strongly enough is regrettable.

Costa Rica has already received more than 10,000 requests for protection from Nicaraguan citizens, the Costa Rican Nobel Peace Prize winner Óscar Árias and other former presidents of Guterres

US State Department also called on the government of Nicaragua's President, Daniel Ortega, to respond quickly to the popular demand for democratic reform and to hold elections.

Hundreds of people arrived Monday in Managua. the streets. They asked for justice for the victims of the recent demonstrations. On weekends, twelve people were killed in demonstrations against Ortega. At least 275 people have been killed since civil unrest began in April, according to the CENIDH human rights organization.

The protests were sparked by Ortega's surprise announcement to reduce pension benefits. Although he quickly moved away from his plans, the violent crackdown by the armed groups and the police against the protesters provoked a wave of protests at the national level. (SDA)

Posted on 17.07.2018 | Updated 11 minutes ago

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