Underground drama in Thailand: another rescue attempt is underway


After the happy ending of the first lap now the second attempt: In Thailand, special divers try to free the last nine prisoners from the cave.

In the drama of the cave of Thailand, after the first success, a new rescue attempt began. In the north of the country, an international team of special divers left Monday to extract the eight boys and their coach, locked up for 16 days. The mission, considered very dangerous, will take several hours. According to the authorities, the four boys, who were the first to be rescued on Sunday, are doing relatively well.

Thai army rescue teams go to the cave where eight teenagers and one adult are waiting to be rescued.


The governor of the province Narongsak Osottanakorn confirmed in the neighboring town of Mae Sai that the new operation was ongoing since 11:00 am local time (7:00 am CEST). According to the head of the mission, the partially flooded cave water has declined sharply. "The water level is low. The weather is nice. The equipment is ready. That's why we decided. "After rains during the night, the sun shone in the area on Monday." In a few hours we will have good news, "said the governor

Heavy rains

The first four teenagers aged 11 to 16 years were released from the partially flooded cave Sunday night during a spectacular rescue service operation.Then the mission was interrupted to renew the supply of breathable air along the road nearly four kilometers In addition, divers should have the opportunity to draw new strength. "At the entrance to the cave, families were waiting for good news

The action could well take it up. in the middle of the week.Because Southeast Asia is currently in the monsoon season and threatens new heavy rains, it is also a fight against time.Tham Luang-Khun cave Nam Nang is located in the north Thailand's main border with Myanmar. During the rainy season, it is considered a great temerity to enter.

Children are treated at a hospital in the provincial capital of Chiang Rai. Always Monday, they should receive the first visit of their families. However, after two weeks in almost complete darkness, they should be brought back to normal life very carefully.

A total of about 90 divers are in action

The rescue of the football team called "wild boars" is very dangerous. In some places, the exit is so narrow that divers must unbuckle their bottles of breath. In addition, you can hardly see in the water. In anticipation of the mission, an experienced Thai diver drowned on Friday. Now, two rescuers take the boys each, not a single dive right. All are equipped with diving goggles and are supplied with air by men.

A total of about 90 divers are in action. The core team consists of 18 special divers, most of them from abroad, from countries such as Australia and the United Kingdom. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said on Monday that boys and their caregivers would be out of the den in groups of four, like Sunday. This would mean that the action could last even longer.

After lengthy preparations, the rescuers had finally decided to use it on Sunday morning. The drama lasts since June 23, when the group was surprised in the cave by Wassermassen

At the first meeting, the families of the four rescued boys had to be patient first. The eighth floor of the Chiang Rai Clinic, where the boys spent the first night after their rescue, is cordoned off by the police. On Monday, it was observed how a first group of civilians was admitted. However, there was no confirmation from the hospital that these were already members of the family.

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