Underground drama in Thailand: the rescue attempt has begun


Chiang Rai –

Fear for the youth football team and their trainer: The situation in the flooded cave in Thailand is getting more and more intense.

All information on the current situation in the Tham Luang cave: [19659004] Sunday, July 8

+++ Two boys in safe +++

Thai media report that two boys were taken with success in a safe area and that they are heading to the entrance of the cave. The ZDF already speaks of three children.

+++ The clinic is preparing for the arrival of young footballers +++

The nearest Prachunakroh hospital in Chiang Rai, 60 kilometers, is preparing for the arrival


The nearest hospital, Prachunakroh Hospital, prepares for the arrival of children

Workers install tarpaulins to protect privacy. In addition, hospital staff could be seen on Thai television, which installed 13 stretchers in front of the entrance. The eighth floor of the hospital would be reserved for survivors. The boys are weakened, after days without contact with the outside world they were provided by divers with the essential.

+++ First details on the rescue published +++

The Thai government has released details on the rescue. Divers and children will wear their entire face with diving masks. Two divers each take a boy between them. Then, guided by a rope, they lead the child out of the cave. If the path becomes too narrow, the oxygen tank will be attached to the back and will roll slowly through the hole next to the boy


In recent days, the level of the water in the cave decreased due to drainage measures.

The rescue operation will take +++ The crisis team assumes two to three days +++

The rescue attempt of the boys trapped in a Thai cave began Sunday according to the Crisis team

+++ First boy waited at 9:00 pm local time +++ The coach is the last to come out of the cave +++

According to information from "Bangkok Post", the boys are divided into four groups Cave leads. Each child should be accompanied by two divers.

The first group would contain four people, the other three would have three

Adul "Dul" Sam-on, 14, would have left the cave first. ,

+++ Rescue operation started +++

The extremely dangerous rescue operation for the twelve boys and their soccer coach trapped in a cave in Thailand began on Sunday

L & # 39; Operation involved 18 recreational divers, said the governor of the province, Narongsak Osotthanakorn, who also directs the action.

"The weather is fine, the water level is good, the divers are ready, the boys are physically, mentally and mentally ready to go out." The goal is to finish the mission Sunday night at 21 hours (16 hours CEST). It could also last until Monday.


Divers and paramedics arrived at the cave.

The mission, which began at 10 am local time (5 CEST), consists of accompanying each boy with two divers. The boys must be out one by one, one by one. Five divers come from Thailand, the rest from abroad.

Some parts of the cave are still under water. This means that for some parties, boys need diving equipment to go ahead.

Narongsak said that in recent days, the level of water in the cave has decreased enough, thanks to drainage measures. So now many parties could be walked on. Australian paramedics entered the cave on Sunday to assess the boys' health condition. They confirmed that the boys were ready.

Divers and paramedics arrived at the cave on Sunday. In addition, the temporary media camp near the entrance to the cave was cleaned up with more than 1,000 Thai and foreign journalists. New incoming journalists were denied access.

Saturday, July 7th

+++ Lack of oxygen and bad weather increase pressure +++

In Thailand's underground tragedy, an attempt at rescue would be possible according to estimates official. Consultations and preparations to see if and when they are trying to get young footballers out of the cave are still going on, said the governor of the province and head of the rescue team, Narongsak Osotthanakorn, local time, Saturday night

The land and health of the trapped are "very appropriate".

Lack of oxygen and bad weather increase pressure on rescuers. In the coming days there will still be heavy rain. As for the group, the oxygen content in the air dropped from 21% to 15%, as Narongsak announced it two days ago.

+++ boys write a letter to their parents +++

In a moving letter, the boys turned to their cohabiting families. "Do not worry, we are all strong" – that is what saved a hand written on a note written to the parents who camped at the entrance to the cave for days

Another, Phiphat Photi, 15, nicknamed "Nick," wrote: "Dear mom and dad, and my little brother, if I go out here, could you bring me some grilled pork with vegetables?"

  Cave Drama_Thailand_3299CE00783B5976

"I thank for the moral support and I apologize to myself with the parents," wrote the coach in his first speech. "For all parents: All children are doing well, I promise to look after them well," wrote the 25-year-old coach in the handwritten letter he had handed to a diver. He also turned to his grandmother and aunt, "I'm here, do not be too worried, take care of yourself, please."

+++ Hundreds drilled wells +++

The forces have meanwhile drilled more than a hundred wells to release the football boy who had been stuck in a flooded cave for two weeks

The Twelve children and their trainer have not yet been reached in the drilling, but the chief of the rescue operation, Narongsak Osottanakorn, said Saturday.Children are too weak to dive in the open air. [19659044] Cave_Drama_Thailand_AFP_17A6U7 “/>

Breathe quickly before the rescue continues.Helpers are working to total exhaustion.

The holes in the mountain reach up to 400 meters deep, says Osottanakorn. Exact location of the boys at a depth of about 6 00 meters has not been found yet, he added.

+++ The oxygen content in the room visited by adolescents steadily decreases +++

The two-week rescue Young people stuck in a Thai cave are becoming more and more a race against time.

Authorities announced that the risk of the planned rescue operation would be kept as low as possible. However, it should be raining Saturday and coming to the weekend about partly heavy rainfall. If the monsoon rains dramatically worsen the conditions, the rescuers want to start their mission in advance.

In recent days, he was dry around the Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Cave in Chiang Rai Province. But that can change at any time. "If there are heavy rains and the situation is bad, we will try to evacuate them sooner," said the governor of the province Narongsak Osotthanakorn Saturday morning (local time)


L & rsquo; Water is pumped from the cave system. 19659011] As head of the rescue mission, he prefers to delay the start of the rescue mission. At the age of eleven to sixteen and their 25-year-old caregiver, the boys were not yet trained enough to dive. Because the twisted troglodytes have a lot of tricks and bottlenecks, which also poses professional problems to the professionals. And the masses of water have, like a siphon, wells. To go out again, they should now pass these sinks underwater

+++ Suckling mice and miserable hygienic conditions +++

In addition, the oxygen content in the room visited by teenagers is steadily decreasing – all in fact contrary to the mental and physical charge of the trapped one. And the more water that flows into the cave, the more visibility becomes bad thanks to the swirling deposits for divers who currently provide the bare necessities for the closed group.

The situation becomes more and more tense. Especially as the hygiene conditions in the cave are pitiful: Everyone in the group must relieve themselves in the slightest space, bacteria, viruses and fungi can spread easily. Two of the teens and their coach are already showing signs of infection, according to The Nation newspaper.

Friday, July 6th

+++ Governor's Comments on Cave Drama at Press Conference +++

Governor Narongsak Osotthanakorn said at a press conference that the boy was fine. Friday, however, will no longer be started with the rescue. They do not want to take any chances because the 12 teenagers still can not dive and the dive is complicated.

The flooded cave trail of Tham Luang is an intense five-hour dive, even for experienced divers. "Remember, a Navy Seal just died last night," said Israel volunteer volunteer Rafael Arusch.

If the situation deteriorated dramatically, emergency services would intervene immediately, he said.

+++ Is the rescue of young footballers starting today? +++

A report from the Belgian "Het Laatste Nieuws (HLN)" gives hope: after the rescue operation for the twelve footballers (aged 6 to 16 years old) and their trainer ( 28) begin today.

+ ++ Elon Musk wants to help save boys +++

  Elon Musk

High-tech pioneer Elon Musk offered help in rescue efforts for stranded football team Thai troglodyte. The US entrepreneur said Friday via the Twitter instant messaging service, that he sent teams from his space company SpaceX and its engineering firm Boring to the Asian country of South East. Boring specializes in tunneling. The seconded engineers from both companies should look locally if they could be "useful," Musk writes.

+++ FIFA Infantino boss invites kickers and coach to World Cup final +++

FIFA World Cup football has invited 12 young Thai soccer players trapped in a cave and their coach in Moscow in case of rescue at the World Cup final. "If, as we all hope, they return to their families over the next few days and allow their health to travel, FIFA will be happy to welcome them as guests to the Cup final. of the world in Moscow ". Infantino in a letter to the Thai Federation

He issued the letter Friday on his Facebook page, FIFA confirmed on request the existence of the letter. The World Cup final will take place in the Russian capital on July 15th.

+++ Drama in Thailand: oxygen will be pumped into the cave +++

Rescuers in Thailand want to channel oxygen into the cave. "Our main task today is to put a pipe in the room for the group to breathe more air," said Chalongchai Chaiyakam, the rescue general. The oxygen content in the chamber is currently about 15%. Normally, the oxygen content in the air is about 20 percent

How long confined people can stay in the cave without additional oxygen left the general open army. In addition, he did not say how long the establishment of the line should last. The oxygen line must have a length of 4.7 kilometers to reach the entrance of the cave until the room.

Meanwhile, try to drain the water in the cave to shorten the lifeguard's dive lanes

  Map of the Tham-Luang_Hoehle

The rescue route through the Thai cave [19659015] +++ Jürgen Klopp speaks trapped Courage +++

The manager of the star team, Jürgen Klopp (51) from Liverpool, is baffled by the Thai football team trapped in a cave flooded and encouraged the boy and his coach

"Stay strong and be You are definitely with us," said Jürgen Klopp in a video message for the American channel CNN (more info here)

" We follow all the news and hope every second that you will see the light of day again. We are all very optimistic that this will happen in a matter of minutes, hours, or days, "said Klopp, citing the motto of the Champions League finalist:" You will never walk alone. "

The Ronaldo World Champion touches the drama of the twelve boys aged eleven to sixteen and their coach." This is terrible news and the football world is hoping that someone will find a way out. to keep these children away, "said the 41-year-old player.

+++ Diver died during a rescue operation +++

A diver died while trying to rescue the young trapped in The authorities said on Friday that former Thai special forces member Navy Seals was dead because of lack of oxygen in the cave.

According to this man, the man had tried to place oxygen containers in the cave.It is the first fatal incident in the recovery effort until here unsuccessful.


Rescue teams put equipment in place.They try to place r tanks of & # 39; oxygen under the & # 39; water.

There are several scenarios for saving oxygen traps. Either children must swim out of the flooded part of the cave accompanied by rescue divers. Or it could be pierced over an opening in the ceiling of the cave to highlight those who are trapped. Authorities and rescuers favor the first variant. (dpa)

+++ Expert: The window of time for rescue is "limited" +++

The rescue of the boy stuck in the flooded cave in Thailand seems to have to go faster than originally planned: The window time for the rescue is "limited," said the commander of the Thai Navy Seal military unit, Apakorn Yookongkaew, Friday in front of reporters. As a result, boys can not wait until the end of the monsoon season.

Earlier, we talked about boys who had to endure months in the cave.

Thursday, July 5

+++ Thai boys are celebrated as heroes +++

The whole world is watching the drama of the cave in Thailand and is amazed at how much courage and confidence boys caught for twelve days obviously prove. In their homeland, they are already considered heroes and are celebrated. As it is a football team, sports comparisons are often used. Especially beautiful is this one, which refers to the appearance of Neymar and the World Cup against Mexico:


For days, parents have been worrying about the lives of their children and are waiting for news from the cave. Leaf "Nation" wants to give the trophy of courage and tenacity to the boys and their coach. 0:13 it's against Brazil.

+++ He threatens a monsoon +++

New rains could delay even more the rescue of the trapped ones for nearly two weeks in young footballers and their coach. "What worries us the most is the weather .If it rains again, our efforts could be contrary, as it has already happened," said the head of the mission's rescue, Narongsak Osotthanakorn, at a press conference. Last week, a research mission had to be interrupted for several days because of the rains and floods of the cave.


Included for days: Thai footballers.

"We are now waiting for an assessment of meteorologists 'weather and an assessment of boys' fitness by the rescue unit," Narongsak said. If there is a 90% chance of getting the dancers safely out with the dancers, we would dare.

+++ The water level drops slightly +++

Like the English media, he managed to reduce the level of water in the water Cave easy to lower. By pumping water permanently to the third chamber of the cave, it could be reduced by 40%, so that the assistants can now walk there. Room 3 itself, about 1.5 from the entrance, but is still filled with water.

Here, we pump even more and then we eventually release the remaining 2.5 km to the location where the water boys are. Then they would not have to dive to get safe. Hundreds of pumps are in action, and others are brought to the scene of the accident.

Wednesday, July 4

+++ The trainer should have left the provisions to the young +++

Despite the long time in the dark and wet it seems the group is doing well in the circumstances. In a video released Wednesday by the Thai Navy, the boys greeted each other individually in the camera. They were wrapped in heat shields and seemed to be in good shape and mood despite the difficulties. The video also shows a marine diver joking with the boys.

The Thai news site "Sanook.com" reported that the caregiver is worse off than teenagers.


Parents worry about their children

+++ The uncle wants to realize the sincere wish of his nephew +++

One of the goals of my heart is d & # 39; To have one of the boys trapped in the cave. Thailand fills up when it is released: Chanin Vibulungreung gets a new bike.

The 11-year-old has long wanted, said Wednesday his uncle Panupat Vibulrungreung the German press agency. But he wants to wait for the boy to be saved from the cave. "I want him to take it himself in the store," says the uncle.

+++ Trapped teens learn to dive +++

Young footballers trapped in a Thai cave learn to dive for their own rescue. When teens can leave the flooded cave is still open. Currently, the conditions have not allowed the immediate recovery of the twelve boys and their football coach, according to the authorities. However, young people are in a good mood.

"They train to put on masks and breathe underwater," said Narongsak Osotthanakorn, governor of Chiang Rai Province and chief of the rescue mission. The water level is still too high. "It would be ideal if the cave was completely dry, but it takes too much time … There is enough food for them in the cave, and once the water level is low enough, we'll get them out . "

+++ Even before the youth rescue, politics is already making plans: The Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang can become a tourist attraction, says Narongsak Osotthanakorn, provincial governor of Chiang Rai and chief of the rescue mission. "Now that children are found, we can relax a bit and consider other plans," he said.


Was included for days: Thai footballers.

Previously, the boss had the Tourism Authority of Chiang Rai said that the cave had become interesting for domestic and foreign visitors because of the rescue operation.

+++ The trapped boys are in a good mood +++

The stuck boy seems to be fine. In a Wednesday on the Facebook page of the Thai Navy Seal military unit released video are first eleven of the 13 members of the football team included to see. They make fun of the camera and explain that they are in good health.

The boys in the video greet each other in a traditional Thai way, then introduce themselves and say, "I'm fine." Some are in the recording. wrapped in protective blankets and seen in the diving suit accompanied by a smiling diver. At the end of the clip, one of the twelve boys says that he was forgotten in the introductory round – causing laughter. The boys are more relaxed in the video and much more in shape than at the moment of their discovery on Monday. The boys and their trainer receive food and medicine and must learn to dive.

Tuesday, July 3

+++ Rescuers think that pumping is unrealistic +++

Martin Groß, rescuer of the caves of Baden-Württemberg It is unrealistic that the path of the team of Boys' football trapped in Thai cave Tham Luang can be cleaned with the help of water pumps. In an interview with the German news agency Groß said: "It is reported several times that the water level should be lowered with pumps.The cave system is to my knowledge but so big that it's not done.The influx is stronger than any pumps you could put in. "

Gross also stated that the four-month period in question, which could take the lives of twelve boys and their coach, is too long. "the trapped would be a mental disaster, which should have occurred in advance, in case of emergency through a rescue hole, which gives access through the top, "said the 39-year-old dpa cave rescuer Sacrifice their harvest +++

More than a hundred farmers from northern Thailand are willing to sacrifice some of their harvest to help young footballers locked in a cave for ten days Farmers have allowed rescue teams to drain water from the flooded cave in Chiang Rai province to their farms and fields, authorities said.

The area is about 2.2 square kilometers near the border of Myanmar, A farmer spokesman said, "We are all ready to flood our crops if the 13 members of the I & # 39; football team can be saved. "The Thai Ministry of Agriculture promised compensation for" selfless sacrifice ".

+++ Telephone Line to Captive Boys +++

Chiang Rai Governor Narongsak Osotthanakorn rejects reports that the rescue of boys could take months. Meanwhile, rescuers have installed telephone lines. Parents who have been sitting in front of the cave for days should be able to call their boys on Tuesday. This would be the first contact since the group visited Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Cave after training on June 23rd.

+++ Boys get food for four months +++

Living after nine days The found boys will receive food for four months as well as a diving workout. This was announced by the Thai army on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the water in the winding cave of several kilometers must be pumped further. They must wait for their release. "We have to be 100 percent sure that they can go out safely," said Chiang Rai governor Narongsak Osotthanakorn. No deadline was set before the youth left the cave.

None of the boys are in danger of dying, but most have minor health problems. A doctor was sent to the boys to examine them. They received drugs and energy drinks. Some parts of the cave are still flooded, the weakened children must be brought several kilometers until the exit of the cave. According to the army, the food should last at least four months, so the 13 boys should learn to dive.

Monday, July 2

+++ Boys and Coaches Found Alive +++

Youth footballers and their missing coach for more than a week in a cave in Thailand were found alive. This was announced by the Thai government late Monday night (local time). A video of the forces shows in the evening, children inside the cave in the light of flashlights – exhausted and emaciated, but delighted.

+++ divers advance in research +++

Divers are only one kilometer from a higher area of ​​Tham Luang cave, where children suspect said Governor of Chiang Rai Province, Narongsak Osottanakorn.

Thursday, June 28

+++ The research must be halted +++

The raging floods make it impossible to find parts of a football team of young people who have disappeared from school. a Thai cave for six days. On Thursday, the assistants interrupt the work again

Wednesday, June 27

+++ Still no sign of life +++

Five days after their disappearance, there is still no sign of life on the part of thirteen people. The chances of survival in the system of branched caves near the border with Myanmar are not bad. At least they have enough water to drink. The helpers try to pump the water that always goes up in the cave. Research teams suspect young people in a room about seven kilometers from the entrance, the diver could not reach until now.

Monday, June 25

+++ missing youth football team since Saturday +++

News agencies report news of a dramatic rescue operation in northern Thailand. Twelve boys aged eleven to sixteen and their coach are likely to be stuck in a cave near Chang Rai. They were surprised by the torrents of monsoon rain. Divers try to reach the trap.

(afp, dpa, red)

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