United Kingdom and the European Union Gibraltar referendum to him membership? Why Seehofer again provoked – and Merkel still remains calm


Is there no rest in the federal government? With his letter Brexit, Horst Seehofer supplies fuel again. But the Chancellor remains calm. There are reasons for both.

Berlin – "None of us has questioned the permanence of the government – at any time." This phrase comes from the mouth of Horst Seehofer, and he liked it in an interview published on Sunday. .

This was preceded by weeks of Zoffs – and several ultimatums from the rows of the CSU at the address of the Chancellor, who could have ended with a breakdown of the faction community, and therefore with a

Even more remarkable is the peaceful statement regarding this note: It is only from Friday that a letter from Seehofer went public, in which the Minister of the Interior intervenes in the Negotiations on Brexit – not to mention Merkel or Foreign Minister Heiko Maas – and in contradiction to the official line of the federal government – the peace of the coalition looks different Nevertheless, the spokesmen of the government try to bring down the problem . Seehofer does not just want to look to the future, no matter what happens. A strange constellation. Why there are reasons

Why Seehofer on Brexit on a course of confrontation goes

The Munich political scientist Werner Weidenfeld has in a conversation with the image a pungent interpretation for the case: Seehofer uses Brexit to further politicize on the ground remain. Weidenfeld even speaks of a "staged". "Seehofer chose Brexit for its staging because it is up-to-date and has a great impact, in this way it achieves its goal of remaining present in the political perception, in the media."

Another point must be not be neglected: Seehofer's letter would not have been written after the compromise on the June dispute. This is not a conscious escalation recent . But still a pretty daring action. At the end of June, Chancellor Angela Merkel was negotiating an asylum solution at EU level. A situation in which a head of government can actually undoubtedly use authority in their own home.

Why does Seehofer even care about Brexit?

In fact, the negotiations regarding the departure of the British from the EU are not direct. in the field of tasks of the Federal Minister of the Interior. The discussions led the team to EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier. The EU strategy is usually discussed at the boss level – ie. By the Heads of Government of the Member States of the EU

Another interesting subject: CSU criticized Seehofer, Söder and Dobrindt – "More and more fears are served"

However , the results of the negotiations also affect the Seehofer department. According to security expert Tim Stuchtey fears BKA and Constitutional Protection Safeguard disadvantages by Brexit. "Especially in the field of intelligence on telecommunications, the British have capabilities whose results are of great value to the German authorities.The security authorities do not want to give up this information even after the Brexit", has explained the director of the Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security Bild . So there are also basic reasons for the small "solo effort".

After the Brexit letter from Seehofer: does the big bang follow?

Not at the beginning. Despite the renewed provocation: in the federal government, it remains remarkably calm. All concerned ministries tried to calm the situation through their spokesperson on Monday. And this despite the fact that Seehofer's open call for cooperation in security matters does not necessarily strengthen the EU's negotiating position. Because it coincides with the position of British Prime Minister Theresa May.

"There is no dissent" between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Minister of the Interior, spokeswoman of the Deputy Prime Minister Martina Fietz said. Harald Neymanns, spokesman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior, said: "There was no intention to cause irritation." Fietz even announced explicitly for Seehofer's writing. "The letter expresses concern that the security situation after Brexit does not deteriorate."

Rainer Breul, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry – who had also been omitted – even spoke on Monday of a "three-part choir" However, according to n-tv, Breul admitted that the rule was Was not such non-verbalized interventions.

However, the federal government had clearly let Seehofer enter the void with his letter. Clearly, peace is now at the top of the list of priorities, perhaps also on the basis of the results of recent surveys.

How to proceed now:

De-escalation or not – Merkel and Seehofer must now meet on the Brexit Fietz would have hinted that the Chancellor and the Minister of the Interior were already on the phone there will probably not remain phone call.

The opposition took less agitated. The Greens strongly criticized Seehofer's actions. The boss of the CSU has continued a "right-wing populist split class" in Germany and Europe, party chief Annalena Baerbock announced on Monday at the AFP news agency. "It's exactly the method that Mr. Trump, Orban, Kurz are experiencing: pretending that legal issues are just annoying flies that you knock out by hand," she said.

It is quite possible that the Seehofer solo effort will disappear quickly: after the Brexit, after the departure of two British ministers, there are other problems. And Angela Merkel does not seem to bother a personal assault. One could say: Nobody wants to question the continued existence of the government – not after a few weeks.

See also: "It is completely trump" – Seehofer caused a sensation even in the USA

fn (with AFP material)

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