Violence: Opposition on the left increases pressure on Macron in a spanking case


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  Benalla in a TV interview   Benalla in a TV interview

Benalla in a TV interview

Source: TF1 / AFP

Socialists, Communists and Left Party announce a motion of censorship

I The case of the attack of a former member of the security personnel Emmanuel Macron also increases the pressure of the opposition of the left on the head of the French state. The factions of the Socialists, Communists and the Left Party France insubordinate to the National Assembly of Paris want to present a motion of no confidence in the government, as announced by the leaders of the group Friday in Paris. Meanwhile, former Macron collaborator, Alexander Benalla, denied being engaged in the March meeting with the protesters

"We agreed to have a common text", said the leader of the Socialist Group Valérie Rabault. The vote of no confidence in the government of Prime Minister Edouard Philippe will be discussed and voted Tuesday in Parliament. Part of the debate is then another motion of no confidence in the government, which the Conservative opposition had already announced earlier this week. However, both proposals must be voted on separately

. At first, Olivier Faure, leader of the Socialist Party (PS), spoke out against a vote of no confidence from the Left Opposition. He fears that the National Assembly, dominated by Macron's ruling Republic On the Move (LREM) party, will put an end to the case by anticipating the rejection of the motions.

Insubordinate France has nevertheless campaigned for a vote of no confidence on the left. necessary number of deputies. A motion of censure must be signed by at least 58 deputies, the party on the left has 17 members. The Socialists changed their position, according to the fraction of Chief Rabault, to send a sign of the unity of the fractured French left.

Benalla described in a televised interview broadcast Friday night his memories of the clashes with the demonstrators on May 1 in Paris. "There are gestures that are strong, fast, but there is no punch," Benalla told TF1. In his own words, he therefore assumes that he did not commit a criminal offense.

On the contrary, he behaved like a "citizen" who wanted to teach a lesson to "rioters". At the same time, he criticized the media: they had not fully shown the images of the riots. The newspaper "Le Monde" published a few days ago a video showing how Benalla and the employees of the ruling party were also accused. LREM, Vincent Crase, violently attacks and beats the demonstrators at the May 1st rally. Benalla was wearing a police helmet, although he was not a policeman. Just a week ago, an official preliminary investigation into Benalla and Crase was opened.

For Macron, the Benalla affair is the worst crisis since his election last year. After a long silence, he took responsibility for the scandal. A little later, Macron described the case as "storm in a glass of water."

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