What decided Trump and Putin in Helsinki?


In American politics, naked chaos prevails! After the two-man summit in Helsinki between Donald Trump (72) and Vladimir Putin (65) earlier this week, the US president was strongly criticized Monday by his colleagues and friends of the party at the press conference. Then followed the debacle of communication on Tuesday and Wednesday, when Trump changed his mind several times about Russia's interference in the 2016 US election campaign (Blick reported). Trump spokesman Sarah Sanders announced in the afternoon (local time) via Twitter that the US president had asked his national security adviser John Bolton to invite Putin to the House. white. The second summit of the two heads of state should therefore take place in the autumn.

Spicy: Except for Trump's closest adviser, no one should have been informed of the plans. The head of US intelligence services, Dan Coats, was briefed by a reporter on the eve of a security forum in Aspen. He laughed and asked, puzzled, "Say this again, did I understand you correctly?" While the reporter was repeating the news, he took a deep breath and replied, "Okay, that's okay. to be special. "

Nobody knows what Trump and Putin decided

Putin's invitation to the White House caused a jolt in his head Four days after the summit in Helsinki, The whole nation is still wondering what its president and the Kremlin leader agreed to when they first met, and according to Trump and Putin, the two-hour, secret, four-way conversation involved concrete decisions, but only vague information is needed. Trump said that they talked about the Syrian conflict, North Korea, Israel and Russia's interference in the 2016 US election campaign.

No even US chief of intelligence Dan Coats has not been updated by the President to date. "I have no idea what happened at this meeting," he said. Even the highest American general in the Middle East, Joseph Votel, has not yet received any information. This despite Russia's assertion that agreements had been concluded regarding military cooperation in Syria. When asked about this, Votel told reporters: "We have not received any specific directions at that time." He was "not aware" of the talks.

Russia is a long way ahead of the United States

After all, do Trump's relatives know what was decided four days ago in Helsinki? His spokesman Sarah Sanders seemed overwhelmed Thursday with questions from reporters. She gave a lecture on a list of topics that everyone already knew. Concrete decisions? False!

The flow of information in the government of the interlocutor seems quite different. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Thursday that the resolutions had already been implemented. "Much of what the Russian president has talked about is being processed," spokeswoman Marija Sakharova said. Trump: "If it does not work, I'm Putin's worst enemy."

Meanwhile, Democrats continue to try to hear translator Trumps during the four-way call. push through. They want to bring light in the dark. Their attempt will hardly be successful. Trump can claim that no president is obliged to disclose private talks.

Trump tries to come out of the crisis in all this turmoil. In an interview with the American channel "CNBC", he said on Thursday that the policy: "Sitting with Russia is a positive thing and not a negative one, but if it does not work, I'm the worst enemy of Putin, "he said.

We still do not know if Vladimir Putin will accept the invitation of Trump

Published 20.07.2018 | Last updated 10 minutes ago

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