What's the point of the Helsinki summit?


Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump at the G20 summit in Hamburg (2017). Image: Kremlin.ru / CC-BY-SA-4.0

Putin and Trump meet with nothing to discuss. On the other hand, the reasons for an attack would exist – on Putin

This article is neither a comment nor a message and contains no inside information. It is rather an attempt to classify recent developments in world politics and learn from the past seventy years.

Getting ideas of the world's history for the future is a difficult undertaking. As the philosopher Nassim Taleb writes, the course of the world presents itself to an observer from the point of view of a moving train, looking back from the last wagon. It is virtually impossible to predict exactly what comes next in the field of view, it is not before the general opinion that painting makes sense.

Taleb's hitman, The Black Swan, spoke of the power of the unexpected. To fundamentally change the course of the world. This includes, among other things, the September 11 terrorist attacks, but also positive things like the discovery of quantum mechanics or the development of the Internet.

But back to the present. Is there anything special about the scheduled meeting of the Presidents? Probably to the extent that the two most powerful leaders in the world want to improve relations between their countries without benefiting from any particular support in their respective government environment. This situation probably existed between Khrushchev and Kennedy in 1963, although other circumstances are very different.

Understanding history means seeing events in their logical context, often only after a long time, after opening the corresponding archives. , disclosed. On the background of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963, JFK and the Unspeakable, Devil's Chess and Cold War Leaks in Cold Spring Leaks refer to also to sensational associations

. In 1961, in an open conflict with the CIA, who had attempted with the intentionally planned amateur invasion of the Bay of Pigs to force him to a war against Cuba. Kennedy refused and peacefully resolved the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.

As the CIA tried to kill Castro and Kennedy's generals wanted to persuade him to launch a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union (he secretly recorded the talks under his desk Kennedy secretly corresponded with Khrushchev and warned him against a blow in the United States (!).

I want to divide the CIA into a thousand pieces and disperse it to the winds

John F Kennedy

Zu There are many bizarre circumstances of his murder and numerous cover-ups in the subsequent investigation, as well as confusion in the literature in their details.Today, however, to be convinced that Kennedy was not killed by his own people, but by a confused individual author, but is the belief in Santa Claus.

What does all this have to do with the situation as in the case of Time, the power and interest of the US government from the outside are hard to understand. All that is certain, is that the United States is perceived as the greatest threat to world peace and that they seem interested in inciting and fueling conflicts of all kinds .

One has the impression that the United States is around the world with a big torch on the way and would light the forest everywhere.

Dirk Müller

Seeking the Causes of these Political, Economic, and Military Fads Would be an Important Task of Contemporary Politics and Politics Of course, the media too, but most of them prefer to become the mouthpiece of irrational agitation.

The erratic behavior of the US government, devoid of any humanitarian, technical or other view, may be due to the fact that its financial situation is deteriorating and a state bankruptcy has not yet occurred. place due to special circumstances. However, printing money, as do other Western central banks, only works as long as the US dollar still serves as a key currency at the international level.

It is obvious, however, that this retaining screw begins to rust. A typical example is a G7 encircling heavily indebted countries, whose economic importance relative to the Shanghai Union (Russia, China, India, etc.) has long lagged behind. Russia and China in particular are leading the end of the dominance of the US dollar by carrying out oil transactions in other currencies (small countries like Libya or Venezuela are not prosperous, Iran is just on the target). Realistically, the days of the American empire are numbered in a decade or two at most – if nothing happens.

One way to deflect this prospect and spread insecurity, horror and fear of war in the world would be to assassinate Putin. Contrary to media campaigns, he has consistently defused himself in recent years and has thus become a determined but determined antagonist of the United States.

It almost seems like the United States is on the world of substance causing concern (supposedly even munitions go out). Terror no longer exists and, above all, there is almost no one who believes in the war: the attacks of the IS and the Islamists are over. Although the puppet government of Kiev fuels the Ukrainian conflict, but without much success, Assad is in the process of restoring its power in Syria and ending the theater with North Korea

Possible fantasies of a first strike nuclear (as Kennedy heard in 1962) Putin completely spoiled Putin 's idea of ​​hypersonic weapons in March. But the public is no longer so easy to sell for stupid. During the latest "chemical attack" following which Trump sent his media-acclaimed Tomahawk missiles, the Skripal affair is only perceived as a ridiculous story of lies, particularly because of the massive Russian resistance in public (which, of course,

In general, Putin's public behavior is a permanent disaster for US public relations as soon as the irrational articles of the Western press are set aside and informed by primary sources. press conferences, Putin also poses the most aggressive questions with factual answers; In his statements and interviews he appears competent, educated and quick-witted, and even has the patience to compete with the arguments on the allegations stretched star US journalists.

With Trump as collateral damage more or less welcomed, the elimination of Putin without any No doubt to welcome the "permanent government" of the United States. The Achilles' heel of Russia here is that Putin has not yet built a successor, the only comparable ability and to the extent that the country's politics by his murder could actually be changed. The six years for which Putin has just been massively confirmed are long, as John F Kennedy's biographer rightly noted in light of his likely reelection in 1964.

Testimony of an imminent attack there is almost none. Apparently, Vienna had been proposed as a meeting place by the Russian side, if Helsinki had been put into play by the United States, maybe a little caution would be appropriate. Also, because the meeting was led by John Bolton.

For someone who openly advocates a raid against Iran and is not afraid to impose his already disgusting political goals by threatening the families of inaccessible diplomats one only wonders if the criminal or psychopathic side predominates in him; even George H. W. Bush, the 41st American president, had ranked the notorious warmonger as "the fool".

What is disturbing is that Bolton was recently installed in the Trump team, as did Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo, the former CIA Chief and last successor to Allan Dulles. After all, Trump, who wants to see Putin since the beginning of his term, was only allowed to meet after a long time of preparation.

By the way, Lavrov wants to negotiate in advance, with perhaps a naive expectation that the meeting will produce a result. What about the West who just wants to equip it? Does Trump really have something to say about this? And what are the negotiations with a state that tramples all international agreements anyway? In this respect, the Helsinki meeting is strangely desperate.

However, the assassination in this format would have the advantage that a simultaneous death of Trump diverts the attention of Putin's ultimate goal and a any new dimension would conceal. One could blame the IS, Iran or even China, Russian opponents or oligarchs, the loser of the World Cup final the day before or invent other nonsense, if any even crazy individual offenders, whose FBI also has experience Of course, he would hardly survive). More likely, however, would be a remotely controlled bomb or drone, anyway one of the last US export goods.

The stock market would probably recover soon, and one can imagine how after a short distance, the New York Times Aspects can win … but hey, we bring the "conspiracy theory!" – the caller does not hyperventilant, it is all – really – improbable. Since punctuation is known to save lives ("we eat now, grandfather!"), We add to the many warnings from the mainstream press "Watch out for Putin!", "Beware of Putin!", "Mistrust Putin!" here a "Attention, Putin!" added. Dr.

Alexander Unzicker is a physicist, lawyer and non-fiction author.

( Alexander Unzicker )

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