White House: Trump wants to invite Putin to Washington in the fall


Sanders said Thursday on Twitter that Trump had entrusted this invitation to his national security advisor, John Bolton. The US opposition urged Trump to clarify first what he had discussed in a four-way conversation with Putin in Helsinki

Trump Putin should not be allowed to meet behind closed doors, asked the Leader of the Opposition in the US Senate, Democrat Chuck Schumer. nor "in the United States, Russia or elsewhere". House opposition leader Nancy Pelosi once again hinted that Putin could hold incriminating evidence against Trump. "What is Putin doing to blackmail President Trump, personally, politically or financially?", She asked.

The US intelligence coordinator, Dan Coats, was surprised at the announcement of the White House. At the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado, he said, "I did not know anything about it." Coats renewed his allegations against the Russians, which he accuses of interfering in domestic affairs . "They are the ones who are trying to undermine our core values, to separate from our allies, to wreak chaos in our electoral process."

Trump had denied critics of the "very successful" summit with Putin in Helsinki on Thursday and on Twitter "I look forward to our second meeting to start implementing some of the many issues discussed." If Putin actually came to Washington, it would be his first visit to the White House since September 2005, when George W. Bush was still alive

Trump caused a lot of confusion in the days following the summit with Putin on Monday in Helsinki with contradictory statements, denials and clarifications. As part of its zigzag run, Trump told American broadcaster CBS on Wednesday that he had personally warned Vladimir Putin that the United States would not tolerate any interference in future US elections.

Trump was at the press conference with Putin in Helsinki, as well as on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting in Washington on Wednesday, voiced differently, but later designated either as a slip of the tongue or false reports . Trump's first statements suggest that he doubted the discoveries of US intelligence services. They consider that it is proved that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. Putin denied this on Monday in Helsinki. Trump called Putin's denunciation "extremely strong and powerful."

According to a New York Times report, two weeks before its inauguration in January 2017, Trump had received confidential information, claiming that Putin himself was a cyberattack in the United States. Should have organized elections. Among other things, this information should come from a source in Putin's immediate environment. Trump was reluctantly convinced, the newspaper reports.

Although Trump himself has fueled controversy over the past few days with his contradictory statements, he blamed media coverage on Thursday. Among other things, he accuses them of warmongering: "The false media are eager to see a major confrontation, even a confrontation that could lead to war," he wrote on Twitter. Trump also seemed to have hinted at the report in the New York Times.

The so-called fake media invent stories without having sources or evidence, Trump tweeted. "Many articles written about me or the good people around me are pure fiction."

With fake media, Trump means anyone who does not agree with him or makes a critical report about him. Among them are newspapers such as the prestigious New York Times, awarded year by year with journalism awards for its quality coverage. (SDA)

Published 20.07.2018 | Last updated 11 minutes ago

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