by Ilse Romahn
(11.27.2018) According to the Federal Center for Health Education, 88,400 people in Germany are infected with HIV. At least in this country, HIV is no longer a death sentence. Studies show that young people treated with modern HIV drugs have an almost normal life expectancy.
However, early diagnosis remains important. HIV also promotes infection with other sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) such as hepatitis B or C, as well as secondary diseases such as kidney failure. On World AIDS Day, December 1, 2018, the IPF informs: Laboratory research is helping to quickly identify risk factors.
Inflammation of the liver as concomitant HIV infections
Hepatitis C (HCV) and B (HBV) are some of the typical diseases that can occur at the same time as HIV infection. Experts see why the transmission paths are similar. In HIV-positive people, the risk of chronic hepatitis B is three to five times higher. In addition, hepatitis infections are more common in combination with HIV. Affected individuals develop cirrhosis and liver cancer more often and sooner. Specialist associations such as the German Society for Infectious Diseases and the German AIDS Aid therefore recommend that people living with HIV should be regularly screened for hepatitis. To this end, the laboratory doctors of a blood sample determine the appropriate antibodies.
Diagnose kidney sequelae over time
The HI virus can damage the body organs directly or indirectly. These include, among others, the kidneys. Their filter function decreases, they can detoxify the body even worse. In addition, drugs against HIV infection also weigh on the kidneys. The experts at the German AIDS-Hilfe therefore advise to have the kidneys examined once or twice a year. Laboratory doctors use blood and urine samples to analyze creatinine and urea values and to check whether the protein and electrolyte values are correct. This shows how well the kidneys work.
Further information is available in the article "In Focus: Sexually Transmitted Infections" and in the FIP brochures "Kidney Disease" and "Liver Inflammation". They can be downloaded free of charge from www.vorsorge-online.de. If you do not have internet access, you can also order in writing from the IPF shipping service, PO Box 27 58, 63563 Gelnhausen. Make sure to include the title of the IPF brochure, name and full address.
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