World AIDS Day: Committed to Discrimination |


Saturday is World AIDS Day. HIV should no longer be a death sentence – but still leads to exclusion.

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November 29, 2018, 05:00

Rostock | It's one of the most private topics – but also one of the most discriminating: "No one likes to talk about their own sexuality, but everyone is talking about everyone" says Robert Holz. The Centru employee …

Rockso | he is changing the title; as soon as he / she joins him, he / she joins me with his ebbid eidnlb eiizicletghg edi rrocesk lahsif .id nI idsree tuiFkonn nkna olzH Pt Ptsies nbb: what it is the first time is the body which is the most important is the bazaar which is the biggest. We are saying what we have done for the moment, which has become a reality, in the world, around the world.

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