Symptoms of Covid-19: Mother claims her breast milk has turned neon green


A mother told of her shock after her breast milk turned neon green when she and her baby contracted Covid-19.

As Anna Cortez, 23, of Monterrey, Mexico, battled the infection, she explained that her milk gradually became lighter and returned to its normal shade shortly after testing negative for the coronavirus.

She was told by her pediatrician, who is also a lactation consultant, that the change in color may have been the result of her body’s natural antibodies fighting Covid to protect her daughter Mikayla, then four months old.

Midwives said breast milk may change color slightly due to a diet high in leafy greens or drugs.

Anna, an English teacher who studies psychology, was assured her milk was still safe despite its green tint, which she noticed after pumping it and putting it in the freezer.

Mom recounted shock after shock after her breast milk turned neon green when she and her baby contracted Covid-19

Mom recounted shock after shock after her breast milk turned neon green when she and her baby contracted Covid-19

As Anna Cortez, 23, of Monterrey, Mexico, battled the infection, she explained that her milk gradually became lighter and returned to its normal shade shortly after testing negative for the coronavirus.  Photographed with her daughter Mikayla

As Anna Cortez, 23, of Monterrey, Mexico, battled the infection, she explained that her milk gradually became lighter and returned to its normal shade shortly after testing negative for the coronavirus. Photographed with her daughter Mikayla

Speaking to the Mirror, Anna said she ate a lot of green vegetables but did not change her eating habits by fighting Covid, and her milk is normally always white.

“ I spoke to my daughter’s pediatrician, who is also a lactation consultant, and she said it is common when the mother gets sick, or when the baby gets sick with a cold or a stomach, as the mother’s milk changes and adapts with antibodies, ”she told the publication.

“The reason it was so noticeable in this case is that the virus is so powerful.

Anna, Mikayla and other members of her family contracted Covid last month. Anna lost her sense of taste and smell and experienced cold symptoms while her daughter developed a cough and fever, but recovered after a few days.

Four days before she began to experience symptoms, Anna said her breast milk was still white.

Why does breast milk change color?

Clare Livingstone, adviser to the Royal College of Midwives, said: ‘Consuming large amounts of certain foods, such as spinach, can cause the color of breast milk to change. In addition, some drugs can have this effect.

“It is important for women to recognize the difference between a change in the color of breast milk and a discharge as a sign of infection.

Mastitis is one of the most common sources of infection and can include breast pain, swelling, warmth, redness, and discharge.

“ Because women with mastitis can also have fever and chills, it can sometimes look like the flu, or even Covid-19. If you are concerned about any changes or if something is wrong, please contact your midwife or general practitioner.

The next time she pumped, at which point she felt dehydrated and her intake was reduced, she got infected.

She didn’t notice the color change immediately, but when she took out a sachet from the freezer, she noticed it looked different.

“ He almost had a neon glow, ” she told the Mirror. ‘I was like, “What the hell is this?” I didn’t know what was going on.

“ I continued to pump and watch while I was sick. The entire time I was positive (with coronavirus) the milk was green. ”

Anna shared photos of the milk on Facebook and said other mothers have reached out to say they experienced the same when they were sick.

The footage was later shared by Milky Mama, a California-based company that makes cookies, brownies and other products that help with milk production, then went viral.

A mother commented on the post: ‘I was sick and tested negative for Covid but had all the symptoms. Now I look at this photo and wonder if this is why I thought my breast milk had a neon green glow then.

“It took me through mine and I see the greenish color as well,” wrote another.

And one of them remarked: “Freaking awesome! Our bodies are amazing! We were positive and cared for! Amazing freaking! ‘

Anna added that she was advised to continue breastfeeding even after testing positive for Covid, as it is the best thing for her daughter and if she did get sick, breast milk would help her fight it.

Current evidence suggests it’s safe to breastfeed and continue to offer breast milk if you have COVID-19.

Experts said the well-established long-term benefits of breastfeeding, including the protection it offers against many diseases, are very likely to outweigh the potential risks of transmission of the virus through breast milk. .

Dr Natalie Shenker, breast milk researcher at Imperial College London and co-founder of the Human Milk Foundation, told the Mirror: ‘We know that women infected with Covid generate antibodies against Covid and these antibodies go into milk in more than 90% of women ”.

She added that the real virus does not go into milk.

A study of 15 nursing mothers who recovered from Covid-19 last year, reported in iScience, found antibodies specifically linked to Covid-19 in their breast milk.

If you have confirmed COVID-19 or are showing symptoms, it is advisable to take all possible precautions to avoid passing the virus to your baby, including washing your hands before touching your baby, sterilizing breast pumps or bottles. and wash your hands after changing their diaper. You may also want to consider wearing a face mask or liquid resistant face mask while you are feeding or caring for the baby.


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