Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes: "Unusual" Signs of Hyperglycemia Revealed


Diabetes is a common disease that affects about four million people in the UK, and 90% of cases are caused by type 2 diabetes. The condition can be caused by the pancreas not producing enough insulin, a hormone, or by the body not reacting to insulin. Without enough insulin, the body has trouble converting blood sugar into usable energy. One could argue that you may be suffering from diabetes if you often have trouble falling asleep.

According to the medical website Everyday Health, some diabetic patients can wake up the next day as they have trouble falling asleep.

It is caused by hypoglycemia – or a drop in blood sugar. Low blood sugar can also cause night sweats and intense dreams, he said.

"If hypoglycaemia is suspected, it is important to test your blood sugar and follow the 15/15 rule if the number is low," says the medical website.

"Experts recommend consuming 15g of carbohydrates, such as four ounces of fruit juice or two tablespoons of raisins, and then waiting 15 minutes before retesting the numbers."

Having a skin that "looks or feels weird" could also be a precursor to diabetes, he said.

The folds and folds of the skin, such as those around the armpits or behind the patella, may begin to appear darker than normal.

"These velvety spots are caused by insulin resistance, characteristic of type 2 diabetes," he said.

"Excess insulin circulating in the body can cause skin cells to reproduce quickly, and new cells contain more melanin. [or pigment]resulting in a patch of skin darker than the skin around it. "

Meanwhile, blurred vision could be caused by diabetes due to fluid level fluctuations in the eye.

These changes inflate the eye, which then leads to blurred vision, he adds.

High blood sugar can cause some patients to develop frequent yeast infections.

You should also never ignore erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness because they could be caused by diabetes.

But many people live with diabetes without even knowing it, because the symptoms do not necessarily hurt you.

The most common diabetes symptoms include feeling thirsty, persistent fatigue, and cuts or wounds that take longer to heal than normal.

Talk to a doctor if you are worried about the symptoms of diabetes or if you think you are at risk.

A quick blood test should be enough to reveal if you have the disease.


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